
作者: 2014-02-08 17:56



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  car loans 汽车贷款

  cash bonus 现金奖励

  cash flow 现金流量

  cashier‘s cheque 本票

  central business district 中央商务区

  certificated public accountant 注册会计师

  certified business executive 高级商务师

  checks and balances 相互制约和平衡

  collect call 对方付费电话

  commerce clause 商业条款

  Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森林体系

  budget 预算

  budget deficit 预算赤字

  budget surplus 预算盈余

  budgetary items 预算项目

  business cycle 商业周期

  business fraud 商业欺诈

  business mechanism 创业机制

  business prototype 商业模型

  capital flow 资本流动

  aggregate demand总需求

  aggregate supply总供给

  allocation of financial resources金融资源配置

  ample supply 供应充裕

  an average annual increase年均增长

  annual return年利润

  anti-dumping measures反倾销措施

  areas for the market access市场准入领域

  asset n.资产

  associate company 联营公司,子公司,附属公司

  a hedge against inflation防止通货膨胀的措施

  a prudent monetary policy 稳健的货币政策

  absolute advantage 绝对优势

  accounting fraud 做假账

  accounting scandal 财务丑闻

  bookkeeping n.记账

  financial statement 财务报表

  keep the public informed of the financial affairs 财务公开

  acquisition of assets 购置资产

  active balance (passive balance/unfavorable balance)顺差(逆差)

