新闻热词备考:强心针 a shot in the arm

作者:tysd001 2015-06-29 17:00

北京天译时代英语口译培训公司整理了“新闻热词备考:强心针 a shot in the arm”,希望对考生备考翻译考试有所帮助,......

北京天译时代英语口译培训公司整理了“新闻热词备考:强心针 a shot in the arm”,希望对考生备考翻译考试有所帮助,想获悉翻译备考资料更多可以持续关注。
  从字面上看,a shot in the arm指的是“在胳膊上注射一针”,其实它的意思是“刺激因素”,也就是我们平时说的“强心针”,意为“使之振奋、复苏”。如:The big sale was a shot in the arm to the failing company(那笔考(试大大生意给那间摇摇欲坠的公司打了一剂强心针)。The money was a great shot in the arm for the company(对该公司来说,这笔钱真可谓是雪中送炭)。
  用在体育赛场上,shot还可以表示“射门、扣篮”,比如a dunk shot就是指“一记扣篮”,而close range shot就是指“近距离射门”。打靶的时候,你能不能做到every shot tells(百发百中)呢?那可是a good shot(高明的射手)才能做到的哦。不过,对我来说,that’s a long shot(成功的希望不大),但我每次都give it my best shot(竭尽所能),争取有一天可以make one mark at the first shot(一鸣惊人)。
  Analysts said the package announced yesterday would help the two pillars of the national economy immensely. "The wide-ranging supportive measures will certainly give the auto industry a shot in the arm," said Jia Xinguang, a Beijing-based auto analyst.
