1 黄金时代
A golden era
China is ready to pursue cooperation ofvarious forms with the UK and other countries in international production capacityand equipment manufacturing to synergize respective strengths.
2 北方经济引擎/北方动力
The Northern Powerhouse
The visit will also open export opportunities for UK companies looking to expand into China and attract Chinese investment into the regions.The Northern Powerhouse willget a boost as China is expected to announce further investment into the region when British Prime Minister David Cameron and the president visit Manchester atthe end of the week.
3 利益共同体
A community of shared interests
China and Britain are are becoming increasingly interdependent and a community of shared interests.
英国是第一个承认新中国的西方大国,也是率先同中国建立全面战略伙伴关系的欧盟国家;是除香港外最大人民币境外交易中心(a leading offshore RMB trading center),也是吸引中国留学生、开办孔子学院最多的欧盟国家(host more Chinese students and Confucius institutes than any EU country)。英国还是首个发行人民币国债的西方国家(issue RMB sovereign bond)、最早申请加入亚洲基础设施投资银行的西方大国(apply for membership of the AIIB)。
4 全面战略伙伴关系
Comprehensive strategic partnership
I have come to Britain for a state visit at the invitation of Her Majesty The Queen. My hopes for this visit are to work together for greater progress in theChina-UK comprehensive strategic partnership and bring more benefits to our twopeoples.
双方积极评价中英关系发展取得的成就,就双边关系(bilateral relations)及重大国际和地区热点问题深入交换意见,并达成重要共识(important consensus),决定开启持久(enduring)、开放(inclusive)、共赢(win-win)的中英关系。
5 推动中英关系迈上新台阶
Take China–UK ties to a new level
I'm making this state visit to the UK to build on past achievements, elevate our political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperationin all fields, and take China–UK ties to a new level.
Your visit to the United Kingdom marks a milestone in this unprecedented year of co-operation and friendship between the United Kingdomand China, as we celebrate the ties between our two countries and prepare to take them to ambitious new heights.