
作者:gaoyaya 2015-11-20 14:53


  A puppy born without his front legs is on the move, thanks to his 3-D printed wheelchair.
  Tumbles, a six-week-old Terrier mix, was fitted with the prototype wheelchair last week, which was printed in 14 hours by the Ohio University Innovation Center, according to ABC News. 'He gets around really good. He's now starting to hop. He does that when he gets excited,' said Karen Pilcher, Tumbles' foster mother and the rescue coordinator at Friends of the Shelter Dogs in Athens, Ohio.
  据ABC News报道,“小蹒跚”是一只六个礼拜大的混血猎犬,上周俄亥俄大学创新中心给它安上了用14个小时打印出来的轮椅模型。“小蹒跚”的养母兼位于俄亥俄州阿森斯“狗狗的朋友们”协会的搜救协调员凯伦·皮尔彻说:“狗狗现在可以自如地四处走动。他现在都可以跳起来了。他兴奋的时候就会这么干。”
  Tumbles, who was the runt of three puppies born in October, had trouble nursing and was rescued when he was two weeks old.
  'He was getting pushed out by the others. We thought he wouldn't make it,' Pilcher said.
  Pilcher's husband and a friend of the shelter came up with a design for the wheelchair.They then reached out to the Ohio University Innovation Center who made the two-wheeled cart come to life with its 3-D printer, which the university got around two years ago.
  Tumbles, who will be put up for adoption when he is older, had his first fitting with the prototype last Tuesday.
