Feng Jicai
What a fine pair of hawfinches myfriend hasgiven me! I put them in a simple bamboo cage with abundle of strawto make them a warm andcomfortable nest.
Some say this bird fears people.
I hung the cage in the window,where a pot of luxuriant spider plant hid the cage behindsmall green leaveswhich sprouted from their trailing stems, making the birds feel as peacefulasif they were in the woods. Their flute-like warbling became happy andunrestrained.
The sun shone through the windowso that the small, spear-shaped leaves sparkled likepieces of jade,fascinating and exuberant. The birds hopped hither and thither behindtheleaves; neither they nor their nest could be clearly seen, only their scarletbeaks reaching outfrom amongst the leaves.
I would rarely part the foliage towatch them. But, gradually, they began to stretch out theirheads to take alook at me. Bit by bit we became acquainted with each other.
Three months later I heard a sharpyet delicate peep from behind the lush leaves. Iguessed they had a nestling. Itried not to look at it or frighten it with my curious eyes whenfeeding them.A few days later a tiny head appeared between the stems: the chick! So thiswasthe little fellow.
It was small enough to stealbetween the bars. How much it resembled its mother: red beakand feet,grey-blue feathers, but as yet without the pearl-like white dots on the back,as plumpas a ball of fluff.
To begin with it would only playnear the cage, and then it began flying about the room fromthe cabinet to thebookshelf — where it boldly pecked at the illustrious names of theintellectuals— sending the light cord swinging from side to side and escapingto the top of the pictureframe. Yet as soon as the mother bird gave an angrypeep, it would quickly fly home.
I did not disturb it. Later when Iopened the window it just flew as far as the window sill.
Gradually it gained the confidenceto land on my desk. First it kept its distance from me,then hopped nearer,then stood upon my glass and eventually lowered its head to drink mytea. Whenit turned to look at me, I smiled and continued to write, and it plucked up thecourageto run on to my manuscript and hop around the nib of my pen, makingscratching noises withits little red claws.
I wrote on in silence, quietlyenjoying the little thing's companionship. This put it completelyat ease. Itwould even peck my bobbing nib with its waxy red bill. I stroked its sleek downandinstead of being afraid, it would give my fingers two friendly pecks.
In the daytime it was mymischievous companion; when the shades of night fell it flew backto the cageas its parents' repeated calls and, with a twist of its dumpy form, squeezedinbetween the green leaves.
One day it landed on my shoulderwhile I was hunched over the desk writing. Iautomatically halted my pen, forfear of scaring it away. I froze for a moment, and when Iturned my head thelittle chap had gone to sleep perched on my shoulder, its eyes liddedsilver-grey and its little red feet covered by the long down on its breast. Igently shrugged myshoulder without waking it. It was sound asleep, its beakstill working. Was it dreaming?
Feeling flowed from my nib at thatinstant:
Trust makes a better world.