
作者: 2014-02-28 14:02



  11. (A) The language used by the locals.

  (B) Driving on the wrong side of the road.

  (C) Naming of the same objects in different ways.

  (D) All different types of bright colours on men.

  12. (A) “Chips” and “crisps”. (B) “Queue” and “line”.

  (C) “Fries” and “potato”. (D) “Mate” and “Love”


  讲解:薯条 chips(英式);French fries(美式)

  薯片 crisps(英式);potato chips(美式)

  排队“line” (美式);“Queue” (英式)

  13. (A) He has a generally negative view of Britain and the British.

  (B) He is interested in getting to know Britain.

  (C) He is not happy in Britain.

  (D) He feels completely at home in Britain.

  feel at home 非常适应

  14. (A) So many men wear earrings in one of their ears.

  (B) People here are politically radical.

  (C) Young women often wear black.

  (D) Everyone looks like Madonna.

  15. (A) Because Britain has a close affinity with the USA.

  (B) Because Britain has been so much affected by US policies.

  (C) Because Britain is closer to continental Europe than the USA.

  (D) Because Britain is more concerned now with world affairs than it used to be.


  美式英语                       英式英语

  apartment house              block of flats                   (一座楼房隔成数家的)公寓住宅

  Band-aides                       sticking plaster                 创可贴

  barber                               gentleman's hairdresser    理发师

  bathroom / restroom        WC (water closet)            厕所

  beauty parlor                   ladies hairdresser             美容师

  billboard                           hoarding                          (户外)广告牌

  bobby pin                        Kirby grip                       发夹

  broil                                 grill                                   烧烤

  can                                   tin                                    罐

  candy                              sweets                              糖果

  check (from a bank)        cheque                              支票

  chips (potato)                 crisps                               薯片

  cleaning woman              daily help                          清洁房间的女仆

  cookies                           sweet biscuits                    (甜)饼干

  cracker                            biscuits                              饼干

  dead-end street               cul-de-sac                          死胡同

  dessert                            sweet, pudding                 餐后甜点

  diaper                             nappy                              (婴儿)尿布

  drugstore                        chemist                             药店

  elevator                          lift                                     电梯

  eraser                             rubber                                橡皮

  faucet                             tap                                      水龙头

  first floor                       ground floor                        (楼房)第一层

  flashlight                        torch                                    手电

  flat tire                           puncture tyre                       漏了气的车胎

  gas / gasoline                  petrol                                   汽油

  gingersnaps                    ginger nuts                           姜汁饼干

  glasses (for the eyes)     spectacles                            眼镜

  kerosene                         paraffin                                煤油,灯油,火油

  lawyer                            solicitor初级律师barrister 高级律师 律师

  mail box                         post box                              邮箱

  movie                            film                                      电影

  pants                            trousers                                裤子

  reserve                          book                                     预定

  round-trip (ticket)        return                                   往返(飞机、火车)票

  sedan car                       saloon car                            轿车

  sidewalk                        pavement / footpath           人行道

  sneaker                         stennis shoes, gym shoes     运动鞋

  stand in line                  queue                                    排队

  subway                        underground / tube (a subway is a pedestrian tunnel)地铁

  sweater                         pullover                               外套,毛衣

  topcoat                        overcoat                               大衣

  unlisted telephone       ex-directory                         不在电话簿上的

  vest                              waistcoat                             马甲

  windshield                   windscreen                         挡风玻璃

