Message on International Mother Earth Day
22 April 2014
Each year, on Mother Earth Day, we reflect on our relationship with the planet that supports us. The air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that grows our food are part of a delicate global ecosystem that is increasingly under pressure from human activities. From tropical deforestation to depleted ocean fisheries, from growing freshwater shortages to the rapid decline of biodiversity and increasingly polluted skies and seas in many parts of the world, we see the heavy hand of humankind.
地球维持着人类生活。在这一年一度的地球母亲日,我们对与地球的关系进行反省。我们呼吸的空气,饮用的水,生长食物的土 壤,是全球脆弱生态系统的一部分,这一系统所承受的人类活动的压力日益加大。从热带雨林砍伐到海洋渔业枯竭,从淡水日益紧缺到生物多样性迅速退化,再到世 界许多地区空气和海洋污染日趋严重,我们感到了人类双手的重量。
As our population grows we have to recognize that our consumption of the planet’s resources is unsustainable. We need a global transformation of attitude and practice. It is especially urgent to address how we generate the energy that drives our progress. Burning fossil fuels is the principal cause of climate change, which increasingly threatens prosperity and stability in all regions. That is why world leaders have pledged to reach a global legal climate agreement in 2015.
世界人口不断增长, 我们必须认识到,我们对地球资源的消费是无法持续的。我们必须从根本上改变我们的态度和做法。当务之急是要解决如何生产推动我们社会进步的能源的问题。燃 烧化石燃料是造成气候变化的主要原因,它日益威胁着世界各个地区的繁荣和稳定。正因为如此,世界各国领导人承诺在2015年就全球气候问题达成协议。
Action on climate change presents multiple opportunities to reset our relationship with Mother Earth and improve human well-being, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable. Sustainable energy for all can increase health, wealth and opportunity for billions of people, as can climate-smart agriculture, more efficient cities and better managed and protected forests.
采取行动应对气候变化,给我们带来了多种机会,使我们能够调整与地球母亲的关系,并改善人类,特别是最贫 困最脆弱群体的福祉。农业实现气候智能化,城市提高效力,森林得到更好的管理和保护,将能增进数十亿人民的健康、财富和机会。为所有人提供可持续能源,同 样能够实现这一目标。
To generate ambitious action on the ground and raise momentum for a new climate treaty in 2015, I am convening a Climate Summit in New York on 23 September this year. I am inviting Heads of State and Government along with private sector and civil society leaders to showcase initiatives and forge alliances that can help launch a sustainablefuture. But they need support and encouragement, for change is never easy. So today, on International Mother Earth Day, I appeal to all people everywhere to raise their voices. Speak out on behalf of this planet, our only home. Let us care for Mother Earth so she can continue to care for us as she has done for millennia.
为促进大规模实际行动,为给2015年新的气 候条约营造势头,我将于今年9月23日在纽约召开气候问题峰会。我将邀请各国元首和政府首脑以及私营部门和民间社会领导人建言献策并结成联盟,为实现可持 续未来做出贡献。但是,变化总是困难的,我们必须给他们以支持和鼓励。因此,值此国际地球母亲日,我呼吁世界各国人民发出呼声——为地球,为我们唯一的家 园发出呼声。几千年来,地球母亲一直照顾着我们,我们应该回报地球,使地球能够继续照顾我们。