
作者:秩名 2014-07-08 13:55


  ↑ 上升;提高;增强;上涨;增长;扩大;起飞;升空;提拔;晋升 (grow, expand, develop, rise, go up, increase , ascend, launch, skyrocket, soar, appreciation, promote, upwards)
  ↓ 下降;下沉;降低;滑坡;轰炸;减少;恶化;降职;削减/裁减(drop to, bomb, jump, go down, descend, decrease, deteriorate, depreciation, reduce, downwards)
  ↗ 上扬;渐渐好转(become better and better)
  ↘ 下挫;不断亏损(become worse and worse)
  → 出口;去;向前;出国;前往;运往;导致;发展成为… (export to, enter, arrive in/at, present to, result in, send to, transmit to, lead to, export to, cause)
  ← 回顾;从前;进口;倒退;来自;源于(come from, originate from, receive from, go back to, import from)例如:café ← French意为: café源自于法语
  + 增加;补充;除此之外另外(furthermore, in addition to, with, and, besides, etc)
  — 减少;删除;缺乏(minus, lack)
  × 表示“不对的,错的,坏的,不好的,臭名昭著的”(incorrect, wrong, bad, inappropriate, notorious)
  > 超过,大于,胜过,优于(more than, bigger than, surpass, better than, superior to)
  < 小于,不足,次于,逊色(fewer than, less than, worse than, inferior to)
  = 等于符号(equal) 在听力笔记中相当于“与…一样”(equal to, the same as), 另外可以表示“是…的对手“(a ri-val, a competitor)等意思。那么,
  ≠ 表示否定意思“不等于”(not equal to ),或者“不是…对手”(no match for)
  ≈ 表示“大约,左右”(approximately, around, about, or so)
  ∑ 总和;总数(total, the total number/sum, totally)
  ∵ 表示“原因,理由”(because, owing to, thanks to, due to)
  ∴ 表示“结果、结论”(therefore, as a result, consequently, so)

