
作者: 2014-01-13 16:35


  英汉的比喻形式基本上是一致的。但由于两国历史文化、风土人情、传统习惯、思维方式和审美观念都各有特点,因此,反映在语言中的意象比喻也很不相同,例如我们常用“落汤鸡”来形容一个人被与淋湿了,而英语中却用as wet as a drown rat来打比喻。诸如此类,不甚枚举。因此,汉译时要根据情况进行灵活处理。
  1. 保留原文比喻意象

  strike while the iron is hot         打铁趁热
  pour cold water on something          泼冷水
  Like father, like son.                 有其父必有其子
  to fish in troubled water          混水摸鱼
  as white as snow                  洁白如雪
  Necessity is the mother of invention 需要是发明之母
  as proud as a peacock                 像孔雀般高傲
  The ruby shall be as redder than a red rose, and the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea. 红玉之色更甚玫瑰之艳,青玉之色堪比大海之蓝。
  follow in somebody's footsteps         步人后尘
  Time passed at a snail's pace.         时间过得象蜗牛爬似的。
  You are the backbone of the team.         他是这个团队的脊梁骨(骨干)。

  A rolling stone gathers no moss.      滚石不生苔
  to be armed  to the teeth              武装到牙齿
  crocodile's tears                      鳄鱼的眼泪
  to show one's card                      摊牌
  as fresh as a rose                      像玫瑰一样鲜艳
  as blind as a bat                      瞎的像只蝙蝠
  A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled  说出口的话就想跑出去的石头,是收不回的。
  He who keeps company with wolf will learn to howl.   跟狼做朋友,就要学会狼嚎。

  2. 更换比喻意象

  有些英语比喻翻成汉语后,读者会觉得不自然,甚至产生误解,而汉语却存在不同一项而同样意义的比喻,遇到此类情况便可以借用汉语比喻,保存其意义,改换其意象。例如,英语说“as timid as a rabbit”, 因为英国人吧兔子看做胆小的象征,而中国人把老鼠当做胆小的象征,所以习惯译为“胆小如鼠”;英国人说“to work like a horse”, 中国人却说“像老黄牛一样干活”。这种更换比喻意象的译法,在这里很适用。
  penny wise and pound foolish    捡了芝麻丢了西瓜
  like a hen on a hot griddle            像热锅上的蚂蚁
  hungry as a bear                    饿狼般的
  as stupid as a goose            蠢得像猪
  dumb as an oyster                    守口如瓶
  He is the black sheep of the family.   他是家里的害群之马。
  to cast pearls before swine            对牛弹琴
  He plays ducks and draks with money    他挥金如土
  Our appeal remained a dead letter    我们的呼吁石沉大海
  a lion in the way                    拦路虎
  like a duck to water            如鱼得水
  a sea of faces                    人山人海
  to have one foot in the grave    行将就木
  at the end of one's rope            山穷水尽
  diamond cut diamond                棋逢对手
  fish in the air                    水月镜花
  castle in the air                    空中楼阁
  Words first, blows later            先礼后兵
  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足
  to eat one's cake and have it             又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草
  to kick down the ladder                 过河拆桥
  to hit the nail on the head             一针见血
  The news made her hair stand in end. 这个消息使她汗毛直竖。
  You are putting all your eggs in one basket. 你这是孤注一掷。
  He is said to be a rough diamond. 人们说他是一块浑金璞玉。
  They are birds of a feather. 他们是一丘之貉。
  She was the apple of his eye. 她是他的掌上明珠。
  He is merely shedding crocodile tears. 他只不过是猫哭老鼠。
  He is an ass in a lion's skin 他是个火性子。
  She felt that she must not yield, she must go on leading her strai-tened, humdrum life. This was her punishment for having made a mistake. She had made her bed, and she must lie in it. 她觉得她不能打退堂鼓,她必须继续过她那贫困而单调的生活。这是她犯了错误得到的惩罚,她要自食其果。


  3. 深化比喻意象

  He greeted me with a benumbed look. 他欢迎我时,一脸呆若木鸡的表情。
  Over the past several weeks, she had grown increasingly restless. 过去几周,她越来越六神无主。
  It was a privilege revocable at any time at the whim of the authorities. 这种恩赐只要当权者心血来潮,随时都可以取消的。
  It's a near miss.这真是九死一生。
  Try to follow two courses at the same time and you may fall between two stools.脚踩双船,两头落空。
  Rebecca hit upon the plan of answering her in French, which quite routed the old woman.(Vanity Fair)丽贝卡用法文回答,从而拆了那老婆子的台。(名利场)
  He was determined to satisfy himself of the real state of the case.他决心把事情弄个水落石出。
  The huge strength of his antagonist began to gave way to fatigue.他的对手力大如牛,也显得招架不住。

  a glib tongue 油嘴滑舌
  to fall apart 土崩瓦解
  innumerable links 千丝万缕的联系
  moonshine 镜花水月
  ardent loyalty 赤胆忠心
  feed on fancies 画饼充饥
  far-sightedness 高瞻远瞩
  Lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网

  4. 简化或舍弃原先意象

  I have got the devil of a toothache. 我牙痛死了。
  Their difference is as wide as the poles apart. 他们之间的分歧很大。
  He lives a hell of a long way off. 她住的地方远在天涯。
  He speaks as if there were a frog in his throat. 他说话声音很沙哑。
  to have a bee in one's bonnet 胡思乱想;被...所困扰
  to hit the nail on the head 说的中肯
  Her hand trembled like a leaf 她的手颤抖的厉害
  to rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
  He sleeps like a log and works like a beaver. 他睡觉睡得酣,干活干得欢。
  to make a mountain out of molehill 小题大做
  You case is horse of another color. 你的情况是另一码事。
  I feel as if I were a square peg in a round hole when talking about music. 谈起音乐,我很外行,感到很尴尬。
  He threw his sword into the scale. 他想用武力取胜。
  He always takes the lion's share. 他总是想那最大最好的一份。
  He is an oyster of a man. 他是一个沉默寡言的人。
  He is too foxy to get along with. 他太奸猾,不好相处。
  You scratch my back and i will scratch yours. 投桃李报。
  That is my cup of tea. 那是我的爱好。
  He is a windbag. 他只说不干。
  Give every man thine ear and few thy voice. 多听人说,自己少讲。
  She was, to be sure,  a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not the one to let my heart rule my head. 她的确是一个让人动情的姑娘,不过我不是一个让感情支配理智的人。
  He has no more idea of art than a cow. 他对艺术一窍不通。
  He is as stubborn as a mule. 他很固执。
  He is an ass in a lion's skin. 他是一个色厉内荏的家伙。
  That remark was a shot at me. 那句话是针对着我讲的。
  Don't put your finger in other's pie. 别干预别人的实务。
  I 'll treat her with kid gloves. 我要极其温和的对待她。
  to give an axe to a grind 别有用心
  be sent off with a flea in one's ear 碰一鼻子灰
  They live from hand to mouth. 他们收入仅够糊口。
  Let's bury the hatchet. 让我们和解吧。
  He is head over heels in love with her. 他深深的爱上了她。
  He used to rise with the lark. 他过去习惯早起。
  to put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置

  Like a word dancing between lips and tongue 吞吞吐吐
  like actor's tears 真真假假
  as neat as a pin 利利索索
  as easy as ABC 简简单单,明明白白
  like mice eating by stealth 鬼鬼祟祟
  as free as air 自自在在

  as faint as the memory of a sound 模模糊糊
  as gentle as a breeze; as mild as grizzle 和风细雨
  eternal like the heavens. 天长地久
  like a shot 风驰电掣
