
作者:秩名 2015-02-14 14:08


  1. In order to obtain the needed information, you should write simply, clearly, and concisely ____ the reader wants to know.
  A. what  B. that  C. so that  D. which 来自www.Examw.com
  2. Regarding insurance, the ____ is for 110% of the invoice value of the goods that a manufacturer wants to export.
  A. amount  B. cover  C. insurance  D. premium
  3. Since the shipment consists of seasonable goods. it is important that it is ____ as soon as possible.
  A. deleted
  B. demanded
  C. delivered
  D. detached
  4. The long service of decades of the to-be-retired with the company was ____ a present each from the President.
    A. confirmed by
  B. recorded in
  C. acknowledged wit
  D. appreciated for
  5. Home to magnates and gangsters, refugees and artists, the city was, in its ____ a metropolis that exhibited all the hues of the human character.
  A. prime  B. primary  C. privacy  D. probation
  6. Buildings in the southeast of the UK are going to have to be constructed ____ those in Scotland if the report findings are correct.
  A. as  B. like  C. likely  D. are like
  7. The state of Michigan now requires sports fans to make an annual ____ of $125 to $500 a seat to keep their end zone perches at Michigan Stadium.
  A. tributary
  B. attribution
  C. contribution
  D. distribution
  8. The possibilities for ____ energy sources, including solar power, wind power, geothermal power, water power and even nuclear energy promise greatly to the earthlings.
  A.altitude  B.alternate  C.alternating  D. alternative
  9. Americans who consider themselves ____ in the traditional sense do not usually hesitate to heap criticism in domestic matters over what they believe is oppressive or wasteful.
  A. pedestrian  B. penchant  C. patriotic  D. patriarch
  10. The countries that are being blamed for the extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are the rich and developed countries. On a different ____, the developing countries feel they will suffer the most of it.
  A. nod  B. note  C. norm  D. notion
  参考答案:11-15 ADCCA 16-20 BCDCB
