
作者: 2014-01-13 16:35

Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, the great ocean liner that struck an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic. Less widely known is the ic......

Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, the great ocean liner that struck an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic. Less widely known is the iceberg’s story: where did it come from, and how did it get in the way of the ship?
泰坦尼克号的故事众所周知,这艘豪华巨轮撞上了一座冰山后沉入了大西洋底。 但是那座冰山的故事却鲜为人知: 它从哪儿来?它怎么会出现在泰坦尼克号的航道上的?

Although the vast majority of icebergs come from the Antarctic region, icebergs found in the North Atlantic, including the one that sank the Titanic, come mostly from the coast of Greenland. Thousands of years of snowfall on the Greenland ice cap causes the snow to compact and form dense ice sheets and glaciers.
尽管很大一部分都源自南极地区,但北大西洋发现的冰山, 包括撞沉泰坦尼克号的那座冰山,主要还是来自于格陵兰岛海岸。 格陵兰岛上千年积雪,导致冰雪聚集,形成了高密度的冰层和冰川。

The weight of the glaciers and sheets forces them to flow down towards the coast where, at the water’s edge, warm waves and spring weather weaken the ice, causing pieces to break off and enter the sea as icebergs.
冰层和冰川的重量迫使它们流向海岸。 在大海的边缘,暖流和热风的融冰效应导致冰川破裂,形成冰山,流向海洋。

Pushed by wind and the Labrador Current, Greenland-produced icebergs drift southward. Many become stuck in shallow waters, but those that stay in the main current make it to the open sea, where they last for approximately two years before melting completely.
在海风和拉布拉多洋流的推动下,源自格陵兰岛的冰山向南漂流。 许多冰山在浅水搁浅,而另一些冰山则继续随洋流汇入远洋。它们进入海洋约两年后才能完全融化。

Since typically only 1/7th of an iceberg is visible above the ocean surface, it is almost impossible to gauge its size with the naked eye. The actual size of North Atlantic icebergs varies, from a small car to a ten-story building.
因为通常冰山只有的1/7体积露出海面,所以仅凭肉眼几乎不可能估测冰山的实际大小。 北大西洋冰山的实际大小,可以小到一辆小汽车,也可以大到一栋十层大楼。

The largest Arctic berg measured almost seven miles long and over three-and-half miles wide, but these Northern icebergs are dwarfed by their Antarctic counterparts, the largest of which measured an amazing 207 miles long and 62 miles wide.
最大的北极冰山大约有7英里长,超过3.5英里宽。 但是和南极冰山相比,那它们就是小巫见大巫了。 最大的南极冰山有惊人的207英里长,62英里宽。

