The Honorable Mr. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,The Honorable Mr. Shaukat Aziz, The Honorable Mr. Dominique de Villepin, The Honorable Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, The Honorable President Chen Jining, The Honorable President Yang Wenchang,Distinguished Guests,Dear Friends,Ladiesand Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure toattend the opening ceremony of the Third World Peace Forum (WPF) in the famousTsinghua University. I wish to thank the Tsinghua University and the ChinesePeople’s Institute of Foreign Affairs for the efforts they have made for thesuccess of the previous two forums and the convening of the forum this year.
Since its inception in 2012, theWPF has committed itself to increasing mutual trust, building consensus andexpanding cooperation, acquiring a growing popularity and influence whilemaking a due contribution to world peace and security. The choice of the themefor the current forum, In Pursuit of Common Security: Peace, Mutual Trust andResponsibility, best reflects the world trend of development and meets thecommon aspirations of the people of all countries. As such, it gives bothpractical and far-reaching significance to the WPF. With so many world-renownedpolitical leaders, strategists, experts and scholars coming to the forum, I amconfident that you will make the most of the WPF platform, exchange views onthe theme of the forum, and come up with good proposals and suggestions forpeace and security in Asia and the world as a whole.
Next year, we will mark the 70thanniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the victory of the worldanti-fascist war. With 70 years of stupendous changes in the internationallandscape, the trend of the times featuring peace, development, cooperation andmutual benefit has become increasingly powerful. World multipolarization,economic globalization, cultural diversity and application of IT in everyaspect of social life are gaining momentum, and the human society is embracingan even brighter prospect of development.
At present, the internationalsituation is undergoing extremely profound and complex changes. The worldeconomy is steadily recovering, and emerging markets and developed countrieshave become two major engines driving economic growth. Despite a relativeslowdown in their growth, it is evident that the emerging markets anddeveloping countries are still by and large growing faster than the developedcountries, bringing about greater balance in international power. As countriesbecome more closely interconnected and interdependent, the world hasincreasingly become a community of common destiny in which different countrieswill swim or sink together. They share a common aspiration for continuousprogress in the evolution of the international system and greater democracy ininternational relations, and they all strive for the establishment of a morejust and equitable international order. At the same time, the world is stillfar from tranquil. Regional turbulences keep flaring up, and traditional andnon-traditional security issues are intertwined and affect each other. There isstill a big gap between the North and the South, and global challenges crop upone after another. We still face an uphill battle to uphold peace and promotecommon development in the world.
Peaceful development in Asia isintricately tied to the future of mankind. A stable and revitalized Asia is ablessing for world peace and development. Today’s Asia is standing at a newhistoric point of departure and holding out a promising new look for peacefuldevelopment.
With fast and tectonic changes indevelopment, Asia’s foundation for peace has become more solid. Asia is knownfor keeping economic growth on fast track for decades. Since the outbreak ofthe international financial crisis, Asia has become a key engine for globaleconomic recovery. According to the IMF statistics, Asia’s economy registered a6.5% growth in 2013, more than doubling the world average. China is animportant force for Asia’s development. By being the largest trading partner,the largest export market and a major source of investment for many Asiancountries, China has accounted for 50% of Asia’s total economic growth. China’scontinuous growth will present even more development opportunities to Asia.Asia now accounts for one third of the global economy and will, according toauthoritative international agencies, make up half of the global economy by themiddle of the century. As one of the world’s most vibrant and most promisingregions, Asia is holding out a broader prospect of development. The pursuit ofpeace and development has become the common aspiration of all Asian peoples, whichprovides a strong guarantee and support for peace and stability in the regionand the world as a whole.
With sustained progress incooperation, Asia’s bonds of common interests have become stronger. Trade,investment and connectivity among Asian countries has made significant headway.Currently, more than half of Asia’s total trade takes place within the region.There are more than 250 free trade agreements of various kinds concluded orunder negotiation in Asia, and the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area has emerged asthe largest in the developing world. Security cooperation in Asia is on theupswing. Such mechanisms as the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-BuildingMeasures in Asia (CICA), Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN RegionalForum and ADMM+ are playing an important role in the security affairs of theregion, and cooperation among Asian countries in counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, disaster prevention and reduction and other non-traditional securityfields is expanding in scope. After the missing of the Malaysian Airlinesflight MH370, 26 Asian and non-Asian countries offered assistance and joined insearch and rescue operations, which demonstrated the spirit of cooperation aspassengers in the same boat. As a member of the big Asian family, China hastaken an active part in regional cooperation. Not long ago, China successfullyhosted the fourth CICA Summit and the sixth Ministerial Conference of theChina-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Next week, China will join India andMyanmar in commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Five Principles ofPeaceful Co-existence. China will also host the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meetinglater this year and keep on working tirelessly to promote cooperation in Asiaand the Asia-Pacific.
With interaction and mutuallearning among Asian cultures, the values of harmony and inclusiveness haveresonated even more with the Asian people. The people of Asia have longcherished such values as harmony without uniformity, openness andinclusiveness, and formed a big and culturally diverse family in which theylive side by side in peace and harmony. The Chinese civilization, long beenknown for its fine tradition of putting oneself in others’ position and helpingothers to succeed while seeking one’s own success, has made common progresswith other civilizations amid mutual respect and mutual learning. Amity amongAsian peoples provides the crucial social foundation for peace in Asia. Dynamicexchanges among different Asian civilizations in the new circumstances havebuilt a bridge for people of different countries to enhance understanding andfriendship, produced thoughts and ideas that prompt countries to peacefullyresolve their differences and disputes, and created favorable conditions forcountries differing in social system and development level to co-existpeacefully and work for common development.
Such a sound situation in Asiahas not come by easily. It is the result of the concerted efforts of all Asianpeoples, including the positive contribution made by China. In the meantime,Asia’s development and progress is also attributed to the support andassistance of people from all sectors in the international community.
Having said that, we must notoverlook the numerous risks and challenges that lie ahead on our road toprogress. But, all in all, Asia faces far more opportunities to achieve lastingpeace than challenges, and has far more solutions for overcoming problems than difficulties.We have every confidence in a far better future of Asia.
A better Asia requires that weemploy new ways, new measures and new lines of thinking to build a secure andcooperative region. Not long ago, President Xi Jinping put forth, at the CICAsummit, an initiative for common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainablesecurity in Asia. By common, we mean that the security of each and everycountry must be respected and safeguarded. By comprehensive, we mean that thesecurity in both traditional and non-traditional fields must be upheld in acoordinated way. By cooperative, we mean that the security of all the countriesand that of the region as a whole should be promoted through dialogue andcooperation. And by sustainable, we mean that development and security shouldbe given equal emphasis so as to ensure a lasting security. This Asian securityconcept was well received among the participants to the summit, and, byconsensus, its main elements were written into the Shanghai Declaration issuedby the summit. The concept has a major and far-reaching significance forenhancing mutual trust and cooperation among the countries and bringing aboutlasting peace and common prosperity in the region and the world at large.
First, it has reflected consensusamong Asian countries. This concept gives expression to the wisdom of Asia, asit accommodates Asia’s diversity and difference and echoes the common desire ofall Asian people for peace and stability in the region. Countries in Asia maydiffer in their security interests and security concerns. An appropriatesolution to the regional security issues requires that we display a spirit ofseeking common ground while shelving differences and look for the greatestcommon denominator in the security needs of all countries. The concept has notonly embodied the consensus among regional countries, but also encouraged themto turn such consensus into a driving force for cooperation, think and act inunison, and contribute to Asian security.
Second, it has enriched ideas onsecurity cooperation. Under the new circumstances, the content and scope ofsecurity issues have further expanded, which requires us to keep pace with thetimes by emancipating the mind and thinking innovatively so as to better copewith various risks and challenges. As this concept stresses, one cannot live inthe 21st century with the outdated thinking from the age of Cold War andzero-sum game. Instead, we should strive to jointly build a road for Asiansecurity that is shared by and win-win to all. We cannot just have the securityof one or some countries while leaving the rest insecure, still less should oneseek the so-called absolute security for itself at the expense of the securityof others. We should respect the right of all countries to freely choose theirsocial systems and development paths. We should respect and give dueconsideration to the reasonable security concerns of various sides.
Third, it has increased dynamismfor security cooperation in Asia and the world. The formulation andimplementation of the Asian security concept shows to the world that Asiancountries have the wisdom and capability to promote peace and prosperity in theregion through enhanced cooperation, such as encouraging the various sides toexpand cooperation scope, adopt new approaches of cooperation and improvecooperation mechanisms with a view to making their pie of common interestsstill bigger. The concept has also highlighted the need for Asian countries,while enhancing cooperation among themselves, to firmly commit to working withcountries from other regions and with other regional and internationalorganizations. All parties are welcome to play a positive and constructive rolein promoting Asian security and cooperation. At the same time, countriesoutside the region should take into full account the real conditions of theregion, respect the reasonable concerns of the regional countries, and join usin working to enhance rather than compromise regional security and development.Regional and transregional mechanisms should be allowed to fully play theirroles as bridges and vital links for greater exchanges and cooperation betweenAsia and the rest of the world.