A Chat about Marriage
Yu Dafu
The other day, Mr. Lin Yutang said something tothe effect that women's only career lies inmatrimony. Now, an eminent French writer declaredat a press interview after arriving in Shanghai thatmen should stay bachelors if they want to achieve success in life.
Washington Irving was a confirmed bachelor, but in his Sketch Book there is an articleextolling the wife as a graceful and lovely life-long partner. Charles Lamb, also a single man, inA Bachelor's Complaint of the Behavior of Married People, one of his essays signed “Elia”,speaks mockingly of married people with their inevitable postnuptial fruits-the children.
Marriage or no marriage, which is more desirable? The sounds like the chicken-and eggquestion, which, though often discussed, remains a perpetual puzzle. Generally speaking, onewho has no family dependants is not supposed to rent a house, one who has no petticoatinfluence in the government should refrain from becoming an official, an unmarried male writeris in no position to write about “my wife”. All these seem to hint at the advantages of marriage.But , to get married, you need to have five prerequisites, namely, money, leisure, employment,good looks and patentees, of which all are not always available. What's more, after yourmarriage, your offspring will come to this world of themselves. And in a world withoverpopulation, economic crisis, educational bankruptcy and deteriorating public morals, theymay, just as Charles Lamb says, through their own acts of indiscretion, be sent to thegallows. With such a terrible misfortune befalling your family, how could you still have weddedbliss to speak of?
Thinking the matter over and over again, I cannot but come to the conclusion that neithermatrimony nor bachelorship has anything to recommend itself.