International Literacy Day, devoted this year to theconnection between literacy and sustainabledevelopment, provides us with an opportunity toremember a simple truth: literacy not only changeslives, it saves them.
Literacy helps reduce poverty and enables people tofind jobs and obtain higher salaries. It is one of themost efficient ways of improving the health ofmothers and children, understanding doctors' prescriptions and gaining access to healthcare.The lives of more than two million children under the age of five were saved between 1990 and2009 thanks to improvements in the education of women of reproductive age. Literacyfacilitates access to knowledge and triggers a process of empowerment and self-esteem thatbenefits everyone. This energy, multiplied by millions of people, is essential to the future ofsocieties.
Today, 781 million adults worldwide cannot read, write or count. Two thirds of them are women.More than 250 million children are unable to read a single sentence, even though half of themhave spent four years in school. What kind of societies do we expect to build with an illiterateyouth? This is not the kind of world we wish to live In. We want a world where everyone canparticipate in the destiny of their societies, gain access to knowledge and enrich it in turn. Tosucceed, we must also change the traditional approach of literacy programmes toencompass, beyond reading and writing in the narrower sense, broader skills with regard toconsumption and sustainable lifestyles, the conservation of biodiversity, poverty reduction,disaster risk reduction as well as civic participation. In these ways, literacy programmes canunlock their full transformative potential.
Commitment to these goals will be central to the forthcoming Aichi-Nagoya conference oneducation for sustainable development to be held in Japan this November. It will also be at theheart of the World Education Forum to be held next year in Incheon, Republic of Korea, to leadthe global debate towards the adoption of new sustainable development goals at the UnitedNations General Assembly in 2015. UNESCO is working across the world - in Afghanistan,Bangladesh, Cambodia, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal and elsewhere - to ensure that literacy isintegrated into national development strategies. The Global Partnership for Girls' and Women'sEducation and the Malala Fund for Girls' Right to Education, launched by UNESCO, also focus onliteracy. The programmes acknowledged by the UNESCO-Confucius Prize for Literacy and theUNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize enable us each year to celebrate innovative practices thatshow that achievement is within our reach. New technologies, including mobile telephones, alsooffer freshopportunities for literacy for all. We must invest more, and I appeal to everyMember State and all our partners to redouble efforts - political and financial - to ensure thatliteracy is fully recognized as one of the most powerful accelerators of sustainabledevelopment. The future we want starts with the alphabet.