This year’s United Nations Day for South-SouthCooperation comes as the international communityis transitioning to a post-2015 development agendacentred on shared prosperity and environmentalsustainability.
Despite remarkable advances in achieving theMillennium Development Goals, progress across theSouth has been uneven. Extreme poverty, rampantinequality, malnutrition and vulnerability toclimate and weather-related shocks persist.
According to the UN Multidimensional Poverty Index, 2.2 billion people still live in abjectpoverty. About 1.4 billion people, the majority in the South, still have no reliable electricity, 900 million lack access to clean water and 2.6 billion do not have adequate sanitation.
In the face of this stark reality, South-South and triangular cooperation offer a path tobalancing growth and equity in the context of a new Global Partnership for SustainableDevelopment.
I encourage countries of the South and all development partners to come together to share,disseminate and scale up successful development solutions and technologies. This November’sGlobal South-South Development Expo in Washington, D.C. will provide one such importantplatform.
On this United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, let us reaffirm our commitment topioneering South-South approaches that will ensure shared prosperity, sustainabledevelopment and a life of dignity for all.