With the decision by the United Nations GeneralAssembly to establish World Cities Day, we now havean annual date on which to celebrate one ofhumankind’s greatest and most complex creations.
This new day is one of the legacies of Expo 2010Shanghai, at which the international communityexplored urban best practices and concepts from allover the world. So it is fitting that Shanghai ishosting the main inaugural event of this new UNobservance.
The theme of this first World Cities Day – “Leading Urban Transformations” – highlights thepioneering power of cities. In a world where already over half the population lives in urbanareas, the human future is largely an urban future. We must get urbanization right, whichmeans reducing greenhouse emissions, strengthening resilience, ensuring basic services suchas water and sanitation and designing safe public streets and spaces for all to share. Liveablecities are crucial not only for city-dwellers but also for providing solutions to some of the keyaspects of sustainable development.
Today is also a moment to recognize the contributions of mayors and other city leaders. Urbantransformations require political will and the capacity to coordinate many actors andstakeholders. Mayors give voice to their citizens and play a central role in building well-plannedcities and making them engines of prosperity, innovation and inclusiveness.
In 2016, the international community will come together for the third United NationsConference of Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III). As we reflect on our urban future, let us seize all the opportunities cities offer to create a new and transformativeurban agenda.