
作者:gaoyaya 2014-06-19 16:59


  第二节 词类转译法
  (一)名词转译动词(Convert nouns into verbs)
  My admiration for him grew more.
  He said he did not know whether Tom was ready for a showdown.
  To some extent it gets into the question of the chicken or the egg.
  The Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry were rewarded to Americans, giving the U.S. a clean sweep of all the 1976 Nobel prizes in the sciences.
  Television is the transmission and reception of image of moving objects by radio waves.
  In the absence of friction, the vehicle could not even be started.
  Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.
  I am no drinker, nor smoker.
  The application of electronic computers makes a tremendous rise in labor productivity.
  (二)介词转译成动词(Convert prepositions into verbs)
  There are many substances through which electric currents will not flow at all.
  We are fortunate in our opponent.
  Captain Ford was between the sheets by 9 last night.
  The most he is after at this time is a chance to get more money.
  I tried to talk him out of the idea, but he was unpleasant.
  Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty.
  “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.
  (三)形容词转译成动词(Convert adjectives into verbs)
  He said the meeting was informative.
  They were news-hungry.
  It was a very informative meeting.
  (四)副词转译成动词(Convert adverbs into verbs)
  The experiment in chemistry was ten minutes behind.
  It has snowed over.
  Why should we let in foreign goods when Americans walk the streets because they can’t sell their own goods?
