
作者:秩名 2014-04-02 15:31


  1.我们“五一”放长假让“非典”给“搅黄”了。英文是Our May Day holidays were spoiled//ruined by SARS.
  2.他来了,憋足了劲要决一雌雄。英文是He came,spoiling for a showdown(摊牌)./He came,determined to see who was stronger.
  3.你会发现他这个人很讲信用。英文是You will find that he’s as good as his word.  /You’ll,find that he is a trustworthy man./You'll,find that he is a man of honor.
  4.我的直觉告诉我,我们的新老板做的比所承诺的还要宽厚、大方。英文是My intuition tells me that our new boss  is  better than his word./My first impression On our new boss tells me that he is kinder and more generous than what what he has promised others.
  5.是要龙虾呢还是要螃蟹,我拿不定主意。英文是l can’t make up my mind.I can’t decide between the lobster and the crab./I’m not sure whether 1 should, order//take the lobster Or the crab.
  6.他的脸上明显流露着内疚的神情。英文是Guilt was written all over his face./Obviously we could see//tell from his facial expression that he felt guilty.
  7.他的英语并没什么了不起的。英文是His English is nothing much to write home about.vs.His English is, in fact,so so./he speaks so--so English.
  8.我刚来了一个星期的时间.所以一切还在摸索着干呢。英文是I’ve only been here for one week,  so I’m still finding my feet./...so I’m still learning.
  9.我30岁出头时才找到了//发现了自我。英文是I began to find myself in my early thirties.
  10.告诉我你对她怎么着了?你哑巴了吗?英文是Tell me what you have done to her! Have you lost your tongue?/...Are you dumb?
  翻译过程中,我们在许多地方受阻,主要是蒙头硬冲的结果.文字表达是“柔性的”,最能“克刚”,因此,硬冲肯定不是办法。我们必须凭借“迂回表达法”。像上面的“哑巴”,如果我们不知道dumb这个单词,这并不应该妨碍我们交际过程中的表达,毕竟我们会说,a person who can't speak。同样,如果我们要讲“我得好好收拾收拾他”,但不知道“收拾”怎么表达才地道,最起码我们学过“teach sb a lesson”,我们还可以说“give him some color”,或干脆再迂回一下这样来表达1 will be very angry with him,and then he'll remember me forever!当然,如果知道“I'll fix him up”就更好了。
  1.许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,培养浩然正气,或得到人生最大宽慰。相反,能热爱并且理解自然科学和工程技术的文学艺术家真可谓凤毛麟角。英文是Many great scientists love art all their lives.They understand it and absorb nutrients from it (benefit from it).They foster an upright spirit out of it,and very often,find the greatest//ultimate pleasure//comfort from it. Quite the opposite,artists who both love and understand natural science and engineering technology are really  rare(are the rarity of rarity)。
  2.他们创造了令人叹为观止的音乐传播手段,从最早的机械留声机到今天五花八门的电子媒体。英文是They have created  amazing//fascinating means of  music transmission,ranging from the earliest gramophones to the miscellaneous//different kinds of electronic media of nowadays.
  3.对于有文化的女性来说,她们不是把家庭当成依赖。她们找的是知音,是精神上可以信任和理解的人。英文是。To those educated women,families are not what they depend on,What they seek for is a bosom friend,a person who is spititually trustworthy and one she can really understand.
