
作者: 2014-02-08 17:56




  Basic need


  Everyday Expressions

  n. [C] 孩子

  Tom’s first child died two days after he got divorced.

  n. 无经验的人,行动像小孩子的人

  My wife is a child in financial matters. (我的妻子不善于理财。)

  n. 产儿,产物

  His books were the children of his brain.


  childish (幼稚的,孩子气的);

  childlike (天真的,特指大人的言行);

  childhood (童年);

  childless (无子女的);

  常见搭配 Useful Phrases

  临产胎儿 --- child about-to-be-born

  淘气的孩子 --- naughty child

  任性的孩子 --- wilful child

  彬彬有礼的孩子 --- a well-behaved child

  有天赋的孩子 --- a gifted child

  独生子 --- the only child

  抚养孩子 --- raise a child

  习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

  wild child --- 舞会狂 (party animal)

  child's play --- 极易做的事,小菜一碟;不重要的行为

  生活用语 Street Talks

  A: Daddy, uncle Willie is too fat.

  B: Huh! He’ll be angry when he hears that.

  C: Let it be, honey. He’s only a child. Children and fools speak the truth.

  A: That’s not fair!

  B: Stop acting like such a child! (别这么幼稚。)

  A: Was the test difficult?

  B: Child’s play. (小儿科。)

  I’m a real wild child. I like to drink, chase women, and smoke weed. (大麻)

  电影对白 Transcripts

  句型 The doctors had begged me to take drugs, but I kept saying Iwouldn’t do anything to hurt my child. 《情归巴黎》

  All children are hideous at the age of eight. 《西雅图夜未眠》

  对话 Sabrina: What was he like as a child? Mr. Fairchild: Shorter. 《情归巴黎》
