
作者:秩名 2015-02-09 14:27


  A New Multilateralism for the 21st Century: the Richard Dimbleby Lecture
  21 世纪新的多边主义:理查德?汀伯比演讲
  By Christine Lagarde
  Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
  Good evening. It is a great honor to be invited to deliver this year’s Dimbleby Lecture, and I would like to thank the BBC and the Dimbleby family for so kindly inviting me—and especially David Dimbleby for his warm words of introduction.
  This evening, I would like to talk about the future. Before looking ahead, however, I would like to look back—for the clues to the future can often be read from the tea leaves of the past.
  I invite you to cast your minds back to the early months of 1914, exactly a century ago. Much of the world had enjoyed long years of peace, and giant leaps in scientific and technological innovation had led to path-breaking advances in living standards and communications. There were few barriers to trade, travel, or the movement of capital. The future was full of potential.
  请大家回忆一下整整一个世纪之前,1914 年初的情景。世界多数地方维持了多年的和平,科学和技术革新的飞跃带来了生活水平和通信能力的巨大提升。当时,贸易、旅行和资本流动的壁垒很少。前路充满了希望。
  Yet, 1914 was the gateway to thirty years of disaster—marked by two world wars and the Great Depression. It was the year when everything started to go wrong. What happened?
  但是,1914 年是之后三十年大灾难(两次世界大战和大萧条)的起始年。正是在这一年,一切事情都开始往错误的方向走去。到底发生了什么?
  What happened was that the birth of the modern industrial society brought about massive dislocation. The world was rife with tension—rivalry between nations, upsetting the traditional balance of power, and inequality between the haves and have-nots, whether in the form of colonialism or the sunken prospects of the uneducated working classes.
  By 1914, these imbalances had toppled over into outright conflict. In the years to follow, nationalist and ideological thinking led to an unprecedented denigration of human dignity. Technology, instead of uplifting the human spirit, was deployed for destruction and terror. Early attempts at international cooperation, such as the League of Nations, fell flat. By the end of the Second World War, large parts of the world lay in ruins.
  到了 1914 年,这些不平衡因素终于激化演变成了直接的战争。之后,民族主义者和意识形态之争造成了史无前例的人类尊严的堕落。科技不但没有提升人类精神,而且成为造成毁灭与恐惧的工具。国际合作方面的初步努力,如国联,也宣告失败。二战结束时,全世界很多地方成为了废墟。
  I now invite you to consider a second turning point—1944. In the summer of that year, the eminent economist, John Maynard Keynes, and a delegation of British officials, embarked on a fateful journey across the Atlantic. The crossing was risky—the world was still at war and enemy ships still prowled the waters. Keynes himself was in poor health.
  我还想请大家回忆一下另一个转折点——1944 年。是年夏天,著名的经济学家约翰?梅纳德?凯恩斯和英国官员代表团踏上了一次横跨大西洋的具有划时代意义的旅程。此次跨洋旅行是有风险的,当时的世界仍弥漫着战火的硝烟,海上仍有敌人的船舰。凯恩斯本人的健康状况也不佳。
  But he had an appointment with destiny—and he was not going to miss it.
  The destination was the small town of Bretton Woods in the hills of New Hampshire, in the northeastern United States. His purpose was to meet with his counterparts from other countries. Their plan was nothing less than the reconstruction of the global economic order.
  The 44 nations gathering at Bretton Woods were determined to set a new course—based on mutual trust and cooperation, on the principle that peace and prosperity flow from the font of cooperation, on the belief that the broad global interest trumps narrow self-interest.
  在布雷顿森林集会的 44 个国家决心在相互信任和合作的基础上,本着合作可以带来和平和繁荣的原则,以及全球利益胜过狭隘的自我利益的这一信念,开辟出一条新的道路。
  This was the original multilateral moment—70 years ago. It gave birth to the United Nations, the World Bank, and the IMF—the institution that I am proud to lead.
  这就是最初的多边时刻,发生在 70 年前。在这一伟大时刻诞生了联合国、世界银行和我们的基金组织——能成为这样一个机构的首脑令我无比自豪。
  The world we inherited was forged by these visionary gentlemen—Lord Keynes and his generation. They raised the phoenix of peace and prosperity from the ashes of anguish and antagonism. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.
  Because of their work, we have seen unprecedented economic and financial stability over the past seven decades. We have seen diseases eradicated, conflict diminished, child mortality reduced, life expectancy increased, and hundreds of millions lifted out of poverty.
  正是他们的努力,在过去 70 年里,我们获得了史无前例的经济与金融稳定。一些疾病被根除、战争冲突逐渐减少、儿童死亡率降低、人均预期寿命延长、亿万人口摆脱了贫困。
  Today, however, we are coming out of the Great Recession, the worst economic crisis—and the great test—of our generation. Thanks to their legacy of multilateralism—international cooperation—we did not slip into another Great Depression that would have brought misery across the world yet again. We all passed the test—rejecting protectionism, reaffirming cooperation.
  Yet there will be many more tests ahead. We are living through a time every bit as momentous as that faced by our forefathers a century ago. Once again, the global economy is changing beyond recognition, as we move from the industrial age to the hyperconnected digital age.
  Once again, we will be defined by how we respond to these changes.
  As we look ahead toward mid-century, toward the world that our children and grandchildren will inherit from us, we need to ask the question: what kind of world do we want that to be—and how can we achieve it?
  As Shakespeare says in Julius Caesar: “On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”
  This evening, I would like to talk about two broad currents that will dominate the coming decades—increasing tensions in global interconnections and in economic sustainability. I would then like to make a proposal that builds on the past and is fit for the future: a strengthened framework for international cooperation.
  In short, a new multilateralism for the 21st century.
  简言之,是 21 世纪新的多边主义。
  Tensions in global interconnections
  I will start with the first major current—tensions in global interconnections, between a world that is simultaneously coming closer together and drifting further apart.
  By “coming together”, I mean the breakneck pattern of integration and interconnectedness that defines our time. It is really the modern counterpart of what our ancestors went through in the fateful years leading up to 1914.
  所谓“日益紧密”,是指我们这个时代迥异于其他时期的鲜明的一体化和相互联结的特征。实际上,这也正是我们的先辈在 1914 年之前的时代所经历的世界大格局的现代版本。
  Just look at the great linking of the global economy over the past few decades.
  For one thing, world trade has grown exponentially. We are now in a world of integrated supply chains, where more than half of total manufactured imports, and more than 70 percent of total service imports, are intermediate goods or services. A typical manufacturing company today uses inputs from more than 35 different contractors across the world.
  例如,世界贸易呈现指数级增长。目前世界的供应链高度一体化,其中制造品进口的一半以上及服务总进口的 70%是中间产品或中间服务。目前,一个典型的制造企业用的投入品来自世界各地 35 个以上的不同承包商。
  Financial links between countries have also grown sharply. In the two decades before the crisis in 2008, international bank lending—as a share of world GDP—rose by 250 percent. And we should expect this to rise further in the future, as more and more countries dive into the financial nexus of the global economy.
  国家之间的金融联系也急剧上升。在 2008 年金融危机发生前的二十年里,国际银行贷款占 GDP 的比例提高了 250%。随着更多国家加入全球经济的金融链条,此比例还会上升。
  We are also living through a communications revolution. It has produced a starburst of interconnections, with information traveling at lightning speed from limitless points of origin. The world has become a hum of interconnected voices and a hive of interlinked lives.
  Today, 3 billion people are connected to each other on the internet. Three million emails are sent each second. There are almost as many mobile devices as people on the planet, and the “mobile mindset” is deeply embedded in all regions of the world. In fact, the highest rates of mobile penetration are in Africa and Asia.
  Back in 1953, when people tuned into the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, their experience was mediated essentially by one voice—the masterful Richard Dimbleby, whom we honor today. In contrast, when Prince George arrived last summer, his birth was heralded by more than 25,000 tweets a minute!
  早在 1953 年,当人们收听英国女王伊丽莎白二世加冕礼时,信息基本上由一个声音在传播,即今天我们纪念的理查德?汀伯比大师。与此相比,当乔治王子去年夏天出生时,每分钟会发出 25,000 多个相关推文!
  With such a dizzying pace of change, we can sympathize with Violet Crawley, Downton Abbey’s countess, who wondered whether the telephone was “an instrument of communication or torture!”
  This brave new world—this hyperconnected world—offers immense hope and promise.
  Stronger trade and financial connections can bring tangible benefits to millions of people—through higher growth and greater convergence of living standards. The dream of eliminating extreme poverty is within our reach.
  The communications revolution too can be a potent force for good. It can empower people, unleash creativity, and spur change. Think about how twitter messages helped to galvanize the participants in the Arab Spring, or how social media carrying the message of Malala in Pakistan pricked the conscience of the entire world.
  It is not all bright skies, however. When linkages are deep and dense, they become hard to disentangle. In such an interwoven labyrinth, even the tiniest tensions can be amplified, echoing and reverberating across the world—often in an instant, often with unpredictable twists and turns. The channels that bring convergence can also bring contagion.
  Because of this, the global economy can become even more prone to instability. If not managed well, financial integration can make crises more frequent and more damaging. Consider, for example, where and how the recent global financial crisis began—in the mortgage markets of suburban America—and spread all around the world.
  The communications revolution too has a dark side. It can sow discord, instill factionalism, and spread confusion. Instead of an online forum for ideas and expression, we could have a virtual mob or a global platform to promote intolerance or hatred. Instead of a beautiful symphony, we could have an ugly cacophony.
  So the key challenge for us in all this will be to magnify the good and diminish the bad.
  If managing the great “coming together” were not difficult enough, it will be further complicated by the other current that I mentioned: the tendency for the world to grow further apart, even as it draws closer together.
  This is a paradox. What do I mean? I mean the diffusion of power across the world—toward more diverse geographical regions and more diverse global stakeholders. Unlike with integration, our forefathers experienced nothing like this. It is a defining feature of our hyperconnected age.
  One of the major megatrends of our time is the shift in global power from west to east, and from north to south—from a few to a handful, to a myriad.
  Fifty years ago, the emerging markets and developing economies accounted for about a quarter of world GDP. Today, it is half, and rising rapidly—very likely to two-thirds within the next decade.
  五十年前,新兴市场和发展中经济体约占全球 GDP 的四分之一,如今占到一半,且其比重还在迅速上升,很可能在下一个十年占到全球 GDP 的三分之二。
  The diffusion of power also goes beyond country relationships, extending to a whole host of networks and institutions that inhabit the fabric of global society.
  Think about the rising nexus of non-government organizations, which can use the communications revolution to extend their reach and amplify the voice of civil society. In just 20 years, the number of these groups associated with the United Nations rose from 700 to nearly 4000.
  想一想非政府组织网络的崛起,它们可以利用通讯革命扩大影响范围,提高民间社会的声音。在短短的 20 年时间里,与联合国有联系的这些团体数目从 700 个上升到近4000 个。
  Think about the growing power of multinational corporations, who now control two-thirds of world trade. According to some research, 12 multinational corporations now sit among the world’s top 100 economic bodies in terms of sheer size.
  想想跨国公司不断提高的实力,它们现在控制着世界贸易的三分之二。一些研究认为,就规模而言,目前世界排名前 100 位的经济实体中有 12 家是跨国公司。
  Think about powerful cities—31 of them are also on that list of the top 100. And they continue to grow. By 2030, about 60 percent of the world’s population will live in cities.
  还有那些大城市,有 31 个也在 100 强的名单上。它们在继续扩张。到 2030 年,世界人口的约 60%将居住在城市。
  Think also about the rising aspirations of citizens who feel increasingly part, yet not quite adjusted to, our interconnected “global village”. By 2030, the global middle class could top 5 billion, up from 2 billion today. These people will inevitably demand higher living standards, as well as greater freedom, dignity, and justice. Why should they settle for less?
  人们越来越感觉到自己成为相互联系的“地球村”的一部分,但却没有完全适应。到2030 年,全球中产阶级将达到 50 亿,今天是 20 亿。这些人们将必然要求更高的生活水平、更大程度的自由、尊严和公平。他们有什么理由要退而求其次呢?
  This will be a more diverse world of increasing demands and more dispersed power.
  In such a world, it could be much harder to get things done, to reach consensus on issues of global importance.
  The risk is of a world that is more integrated—economically, financially, and technologically—but more fragmented in terms of power, influence, and decision-making. This can lead to more indecision, impasse, and insecurity—the temptations of extremism—and it requires new solutions.
  Tensions in economic sustainability
  We will also need solutions for the second broad current that will dominate the next few decades—tensions in economic sustainability, between staying strong and slowing down.
  Of course, the immediate priority for growth is to get beyond the financial crisis, which began six years ago and is still with us, as the markets remind us these days. This requires a sustained and coordinated effort to deal with problems that still linger—a legacy of high private and public debt, weak banking systems, and structural impediments to competitiveness and growth—which have left us with unacceptably high levels of unemployment.
  You are used to the IMF talking about these issues, I know. Tonight, however, I want to set these issues in the context of longer-term impediments. Three in particular—demographic shifts, environmental degradation, and income inequality. As with global interconnections, some of these problems would look familiar to our ancestors—rising inequality, for example. But others are new and novel—such as pressures on the environment.
  Let me start with demographics. Over the next three decades, the world’s population will get much larger and much older.
  In 30 years time, there will be about two billion more people on the planet, including three quarters of a billion people over the age of 65. By 2020, for the first time ever, there will be more old people over 65 than children under 5.
   在未来 30 年的时间里,地球上会增加 20 亿人,其中 7.5 亿人口将超过 65 岁。到 2020年,65 岁以上老人的数目将首次超过 5 岁以下儿童的数目。
  The geographical distribution will also change—young populations in regions like Africa and South Asia will increase sharply, while Europe, China, and Japan will age and shrink. In the coming decades, we expect India to surpass China, and Nigeria to surpass the United States, in terms of population. And both China and India will start aging in the near future.
  This can create problems on both ends of the demographic spectrum—for youthful countries and for graying countries.
  Right now, the young countries are seeing a “youth bulge”, with almost three billion people—half the global population—under 25. This could prove a boon or a bane, a demographic dividend or a demographic time bomb.
  眼下,人口年轻的国家正在出现“青少年人口暴增”,几乎有 30 亿人(占全球人口的一半)在 25 岁以下。这既可以是福音,也可以是祸端,它可能成为人口红利,也可能成为人口定时炸弹。
  A youthful population is certainly fertile ground for innovation, dynamism, and creativity. Yet everything will depend on generating enough jobs to satisfy the aspirations of the rising generation.
  This calls for a single-minded focus on improving education—and, in particular, on the potentially massive effects of technological change on employment.
  Looking ahead, factors such as the internet revolution, the rise of smart machines, and the increasing high-tech component of products will have dramatic implications for jobs and the way we work. Yet governments are not thinking about this in a sufficiently strategic or proactive way.
  Aging countries will have different problems, of course. They will face slowing growth precisely at a time when they need to take care of a retiring generation—people who have contributed to society and expect, as part of the social contract, to be provided with decent social services as they move into their twilight years. This too can create tensions.
  Migration from young to old countries might help to release some pressure at both ends. Yet it could also inflame tensions—the brain drain could sap productive potential from source countries and a sudden influx of people could erode social cohesion in host countries and fuel nationalism. Yes, migration can help, but it must be managed well.
  Environmental degradation
  So demographics is one potential long-term obstacle. A second is environmental degradation, the newest and greatest challenge of our era. We all know what is at stake here. More people with more prosperity will stretch our natural environment to the limit.
  We can expect growing pressure points around water, food, and energy scarcity as the century progresses. By 2030, almost half of the world’s population will live in regions of high water stress or shortage.
  可以想象,在本世纪向前推进的过程中,水、食物和能源的稀缺压力将越来越大。到2030 年,世界人口的近一半将生活在供水压力很大或水短缺的地区。
  Hovering over all of this is the merciless march of climate change. Because of humanity’s hubris, the natural environment, which we need to sustain us, is instead turning against us.
  Make no mistake, it is the world’s most vulnerable people who will suffer most from the convulsions of climate. For example, some estimates suggest that forty percent of the land now used to grow maize in sub-Saharan Africa will no longer be able to support that crop by the 2030s. This will have hugely disruptive implications for African livelihoods and lives.
  毫无疑问,因为气候变化而遭受最重打击的恰恰是世界上最脆弱的人口。例如,一些估计表明,到 21 世纪 30 年代,目前在撒哈拉以南非洲地区用于种植玉米土地的 40%将不再能够支持该作物。这将对非洲人民的生存和生活产生严重不利影响。
  A few years back, Prince Charles gave this very Dimbleby lecture. He used the occasion to make an impassioned plea to respect the natural law of ecological sustainability. “In failing the earth,” he said, “we are failing humanity”.
  The bad news is that we are getting perilously close to the tipping point. The good news is that it is not too late to turn the tide—even with rising seas.
  Overcoming climate change is obviously a gigantic project with a multitude of moving parts. I would just like to mention one component of it—making sure that people pay for the damage they cause. Why is this aspect—getting the prices right—so important? Because it will help to reduce the harm today and spur investment in the low-carbon technologies of tomorrow.
  Phasing out energy subsidies and getting energy prices right must also be part of the solution. Think about it: we are subsidizing the very behavior that is destroying our planet, and on an enormous scale. Both direct subsidies and the loss of tax revenue from fossil fuels ate up almost $2 trillion in 2011—this is about the same as the total GDP of countries like Italy or Russia! The worst part is that these subsidies mostly benefit the relatively affluent, not the poor. Reducing subsidies and properly taxing energy use can be a win-win prospect for people and for the planet.
  逐步取消能源补贴、实现能源合理定价必须成为解决方案的一部分。想想看:我们正在为摧毁地球的行为提供规模巨大的补贴。油气方面的直接补贴以及税收损失,在2011 年消耗了将近两万亿美元,这相当于意大利或俄罗斯的 GDP 总量!最糟糕的是,这些补贴的主要受益者是那些富人,而不是穷人。因此,减少能源补贴、对能源使用进行合理征税,对人类和地球都是一个双赢的解决方案。
  Income inequality
  Demographics and degradation of the environment are two major long-term trends—disparity of income is the third. This is really an old issue that has come to the fore once again.


  We are all keenly aware that income inequality has been rising in most countries. Seven out of ten people in the world today live in countries where inequality has increased over the past three decades.

  我们都强烈感受到,收入不平等在大多数国家都有所加剧。当今世界人口的十分之七生活在收入不平等程度在过去 30 年升高的国家。

  Some of the numbers are stunning—according to Oxfam, the richest 85 people in the world own the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the world’s population.
  有些数字很惊人,根据乐施会,世界最富有的 85 个人拥有的财富等于较穷的一半世界人口的总收入。
  In the US, inequality is back to where it was before the Great Depression, and the richest 1 percent captured 95 percent of all income gains since 2009, while the bottom 90 percent got poorer. In India, the net worth of the billionaire community increased twelvefold in 15 years, enough to eliminate absolute poverty in this country twice over.
  在美国,不平等程度又回升到了大萧条之前的水平,自 2009 年以来,最富有的 1%的人口获得了收入增益的 95%,而下层的 90%人口越来越穷。在印度,亿万富翁的净值在 15 年里增加了 12 倍 ,这笔财富足以使两倍于该国绝对贫困人口的人脱贫。
  With facts like these, it is not surprising that inequality is increasingly on the global community’s radar screen. It is not surprising that everyone from the Confederation of British Industry to Pope Francis is speaking out about it—because it can tear the precious fabric that holds our society together.
  Let me be frank: in the past, economists have underestimated the importance of inequality. They have focused on economic growth, on the size of the pie rather than its distribution. Today, we are more keenly aware of the damage done by inequality. Put simply, a severely skewed income distribution harms the pace and sustainability of growth over the longer term. It leads to an economy of exclusion, and a wasteland of discarded potential.
  It is easy to diagnose the problem, but far more difficult to solve it.
  From our work at the IMF, we know that the fiscal system can help to reduce inequality through careful design of tax and spending policies. Think about making taxation more progressive, improving access to health and education, and putting in place effective and targeted social programs. Yet these policies are hard to design and—because they create winners and losers—they create resistance and require courage.
  Nevertheless, we need to get to grips with it, and make sure that “inclusion” is given as much weight as “growth” in the design of policies. Yes, we need inclusive growth.
  More inclusion and opportunity in the economic life also means less cronyism and corruption. This must also rise to the top of the policy agenda.
  There is one more dimension of inequality that I wish to discuss here—one that is close to my heart. If we talk about inclusion in economic life, we must surely talk about gender.
  As we know too well, girls and women are still not allowed to fulfill their potential—not just in the developing world, but in rich countries too. The International Labor Organization estimates that 865 million women around the world are being held back. They face discrimination at birth, on the school bench, in the board room. They face reticence of the marketplace—and of the mind.
  我们清楚地知道,女孩和妇女仍然不能充分发挥自己的潜力,不仅在发展中国家,在富裕国家也如此。据国际劳工组织估计,全世界 8.65 亿妇女受到约束。她们在出生时、在学校、在高管层都面临歧视。她们面临市场和意识上的无形阻碍。
  And yet, the economic facts of life are crystal clear. By not letting women contribute, we end up with lower living standards for everyone. If women participated in the labor force to the same extent as men, the boost to per capita incomes could be huge—27 percent in the Middle East and North Africa, 23 percent in South Asia, 17 percent in Latin America, 15 percent in East Asia, 14 percent in Europe and Central Asia. We simply cannot afford to throw away these gains.
  然而,生活中的经济账也一清二楚。不让女性做贡献,我们的生活水平最终会下降。如果女性能与男人同样程度地参与劳动力市场,可以很大程度地促进人均收入提高,在中东和北非是 27%,在南亚是 23%,在拉丁美洲是 17 %,在东亚是 15%,在欧洲和中亚是 14%。我们实在不能无故放弃这些收益。
  “Daring the difference”, as I call it—enabling women to participate on an equal footing with men—can be a global economic game changer. We must let women succeed: for ourselves and for all the little girls—and boys—of the future. It will be their world—let us give it to them.
  A Multilateralism for a New Era
  I have talked tonight about the main pressure points that will dominate the global economy in the years to come—the tension between coming together and drifting apart; and the tension between staying strong and slowing down. I have talked about pressures that would have seemed familiar a century ago, and some that are entirely new.
  Now, how do we manage these pressure points? Where are the solutions?
  Overcoming the first tension really boils down to a simple question: do we cooperate as a global family or do we confront each other across the trenches of insularity? Are we friends or are we foes? Overcoming the second tension requires us to face common threats that are not bound by borders. Do we face adversity together, or do we build yet more borders and Maginot Lines that will be mere illusionary protections?
  The response to both tensions is therefore the same: a renewed commitment to international cooperation; to putting global interest above self-interest; to multilateralism.
  As Martin Luther King once said, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
  This is really an old lesson for a new era. At such a momentous time as this, we need to choose the ethos of 1944 over 1914. We need to rekindle the Bretton Woods spirit that has served us so well.
  这是一个适用于新时代的老箴言。在这样一个关键时刻,我们需要崇尚的是 1944 年的风气,而不是 1914 年的。我们需要让布雷顿森林精神,这个我们因之获益良多的精神,在我们的时代重新燃起。
  That does not mean, however, that we need to go back to the drawing board.
  Thanks to the inheritance of history, we have specific, working, forms of cooperation at hand. Again, think about the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization—and of course the IMF. We might call these concrete—or “hard”—forms of global governance.
  We also have a number of “soft” instruments, such as the G20 at one end and networks of non-government organizations at the other. These entities have no formal mandates or legal powers of enforcement, but they do have value. They can move quickly and they can wedge open the doors of dialogue. And, as Winston Churchill famously said, “to jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war”!
  我们也有一些“软”工具,如 20 国集团,再例如非政府组织网络。这些实体没有正式的授权,也没有执法权力,但它们确实有价值。他们可以快速行动,他们可以开启对话的大门。而且,正如温斯顿?丘吉尔的名言,“吵吵总比打打好”!
  We have seen the power of multilateralism in action, both “hard” and “soft”. For an example of soft cooperation, we need look no further than right here in London five years ago, when the G20 countries rallied to turn back the tide of crisis, and made sure the world did not slip into a second Great Depression.
  我们已经见证了多边主义的力量,无论是“硬的”还是“软的”。至于软合作的典范,我们只需要回顾五年前的伦敦,当时 20 国集团国家一起商讨如何抗击危机浪潮,确保世界不会陷入第二次大萧条。
  As for more concrete forms, I invite you to consider the historic role played by the IMF down through the years—helping Europe after the war, the new nations of Africa and Asia after independence, the former eastern bloc after the Iron Curtain fell, and Latin America and Asia after crippling crisis. During the current crisis, we made 154 new lending commitments, disbursed $182 billion to countries in need, and provided technical assistance to 90 percent of our member nations. And we have 188 of them.
  至于更“有形的”形式,我请你们思考基金组织曾发挥的历史性作用:战后帮助欧洲、帮助新独立的非洲和亚洲国家、铁幕解体之后帮助前苏东阵营国家,以及在发生破坏性危机之后帮助拉丁美洲和亚洲。在当前的这次危机中,我们做出 154 个新的贷款承诺,向需要贷款的国家拨付了 1820 亿美元,向 90%的成员国提供了技术援助。而今,我们共有 188 个成员国 。
  The beauty of the new multilateralism is that it can build on the old—but go further. The existing instruments of cooperation have proven extremely successful over the past decades, and they must be preserved and protected. That means that institutions like the IMF must be brought fully up to date, and made fully representative of the changing dynamics of the global economy. We are working on that.
  More broadly, the new multilateralism must be made more inclusive—encompassing not only the emerging powers across the globe, but also the expanding networks and coalitions that are now deeply embedded in the fabric of the global economy. The new multilateralism must have the capacity to listen and respond to those new voices.
  The new multilateralism also needs to be agile, making sure that soft and hard forms of collaboration complement rather than compete with each other. It needs to promote a long-term perspective and a global mentality, and be decisive in the short term—to overcome the temptation toward insularity and muddling through.
  Fundamentally, it needs to instill a broader sense of social responsibility on the part of all players in the modern global economy. It needs to instill the values of a global civil market economy—a global “guild hall”, as it were.
  What might this mean in practice? It clearly means many things, starting with all global stakeholders taking collective responsibility for managing the complex channels of the hyperconnected world.
  For a start, that means a renewed commitment to openness, and to the mutual benefits of trade and foreign investment.
  It also requires collective responsibility for managing an international monetary system that has traveled light years since the old Bretton Woods system. The collective responsibility would translate into all monetary institutions cooperating closely—mindful of the potential impact of their policies on others.
  In turn, that means we need a financial system for the 21st century. What do I mean by that?
  再进一步,这还意味着我们需要建立一个 21 世纪的金融体系。这是什么意思?
  I mean a financial system that serves the productive economy rather than its own purposes, where jurisdictions only seek their own advantage provided that the greater global good prevails and with a regulatory structure that is global in reach. I mean financial oversight that is effective in clamping down on excess while making sure that credit gets to where it is most needed. I also mean a financial structure in which industry takes co-responsibility for the integrity of the system as a whole, where culture is taken as seriously as capital, and where the ethos is to serve rather than rule the real economy.
  This has special resonance right here in the City of London. As a financial center with global reach, it must be a financial center with global responsibility. And with all due respect and admiration, that goes beyond hiring a Canadian to head the Bank of England!
  We also need the new 21st century multilateralism to get to grips with big ticket items like climate change and inequality. On these issues, no country can stand alone. Combating climate change will require the concerted resolve of all stakeholders working together—governments, cities, corporations, civil society, and even private citizens. Countries also need to come together to address inequality. As but one example, if countries compete for business by lowering taxes on corporate income, this could make inequality worse.
  我们还需要运用新的 21 世纪的多边主义去重点解决一些大的问题,如气候变化和不平等。在这些问题上,任何国家都不能单独行动。应对气候变化要求所有利益相关者的共同努力的决心,这些相关者包括政府、城市、企业、民间团体,进而包括每个公民。各国也需要走到一起,共同解决不平等问题。举一个例子,如果各个国家竞相通过降低企业所得税争取业务,这样会导致不平等现象恶化。
  Overall, the kind of 21st century cooperation I am thinking of will not come easy. It might get even harder as time passes, when the curtains fall on this crisis, when complacency sets in--even as the seeds of the next crisis perhaps are being planted.
  总的来说,我所思考的 21 世纪的合作并不简单。随着时间的推移,当危机落幕,当沾沾自喜情绪出现时——甚至,这也可能为下一次危机播下了种子——这种合作可能会更困难。
  Yet given the currents that will dominate the coming decades, do we really have a choice? A new multilateralism is non-negotiable.
  On that note, let me end by going back again to the beginning—to Keynes and that famous tryst with destiny.
  Referring to that great multilateral moment, he noted that “if we can so continue, this nightmare, in which most of us here present have spent too much of our lives, will be over. The brotherhood of man will have become more than a phrase.”
  History proved Keynes right. Our forefathers vanquished the demons of the past, bequeathing to us a better world—and our generation was the main beneficiary.
  We are where we are today because of the foundation laid by the generation before us.
  Now it is our turn—to pave the way for the next generation. Are we up to the challenge? Our future depends on the answer to that question.
  Thank you very much.
