
作者: 2014-01-13 16:35

Most of the interest in the outcome of the Communist Party plenum in Beijing has focused on the economic decisions But the Chinese government also announ......

  Most of the interest in the outcome of the Communist Party plenum in Beijing has focused on the economic decisions. But the Chinese government also announced that it plans to set up a National Security Council – which has obvious echoes of the White House decision-making apparatus.
  对中共十八届三中全会的成果,大多数人的兴趣集中在经济改革方面的决策。但三中全会公报也宣布,计划成立国家安全委员会,这让人很容易联想到美国白宫(White House)的国家安全决策机制。

  The Chinese are not alone in making this move. Japan is also in the process of setting up a new National Security Council, which is meant to be operational by the end of the year. Some might find it a little ominous that at a time when Sino-Japanese tensions are so high, both countries are revamping their national security structures. But it could also be that the Chinese and Japanese are simply following foreign-policy fashion in the West. National Security Councils are all the rage. Britain set up an NSC in 2010, allowing the prime minister to chair regular meetings of all the senior ministers and officials dealing with security issues: foreign affairs, defence, intelligence and so on.

  So what lies behind this proliferation of NSCs? In Britain’s case I have always suspected there is a case of White House envy. The Cameronites were all avid watchers of The West Wing – and I think rather enjoy the glamour of having their very own NSC.
  那么,各国为何纷纷成立国家安全委员?就英国而言,我一直怀疑这是出于对白宫的羡慕。卡梅伦的支持者都是《白宫风云》(The West Wing)的热心观众。我觉得设立英国自己的国安委会让他们感觉非常荣耀。

  Less trivially, there obviously is a case for “joined-up government” that brings together all the key players on national security issues, rather than leaving them to work in separate ministries. And given the importance of America’s NSC to international affairs, it helps if there is a parallel structure in the UK and elsewhere that can liaise with Susan Rice and her team. There is also a global trend for heads of government to want their own foreign-policy teams, rather than leaving all that stuff to ministries of foreign affairs.
  更重要的是,让所有肩负处理国家安全问题职责的重要官员聚到一起、而不是在各自的部门中分散工作,从而实现“联合执政”,这显然也很合理。此外,鉴于美国国安委在国际事务中拥有举足轻重的地位,倘若英国和其他国家都设有类似部门,能与美国国家安全顾问苏珊?赖斯(Susan Rice)及其团队进行联络,将有助于解决问题。也有越来越多的政府首脑希望组建自己的外交政策团队,而不是把外交事务完全留给外交部去处理,这是全球大势所趋。

  But setting up a National Security Council is one thing – actually getting it to work is quite another. If an NSC structure is to function, then the national-security adviser has to be empowered to co-ordinate the input from all the different advisers – military, intelligence, diplomatic – and then to present the president or prime minister with a recommendation or, at least, a coherent set of policy options. That implies a centralisation of power and reporting lines that powerful ministries instinctively dislike. Indeed some British officials, who have talked informally to the Japanese about what setting up an NSC actually entails, found their interlocutors quite taken aback by the extent to which the national-security adviser would have to exert authority over other powerful players in the system.

  That question is all the more acute – and important – when it comes to China. Many China-watchers believe that the supreme authority on national security is always likely to remain the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party, which is also chaired by President Xi Jinping. Then there is another theory – popular among gloomy analysts in Tokyo – which is that the Chinese military is increasingly a law unto itself. If that is right, then the prospects for peace in Asia may partly depend on whether China’s new NSC is capable of exerting civilian control over the military.

  It is also clear that this will be an NSC with Chinese characteristics. The statement announcing its formation made clear that the new body’s responsibilities will also cover domestic security – which would include issues such as terrorism, cyber-security, Tibet and Xinjiang. Such issues almost certainly outrank foreign security problems in the minds of China’s leaders. So perhaps China’s new NSC really will be national in focus?
