
作者:tysd001 2015-05-22 17:09


  23日2010年上海世博会法国馆活动方案递交仪式在上海世博局举行。仪式上,上海世博会法国总代表何塞•弗雷 (José FRECHES)向上海世博局副局长胡劲军递交了法国馆活动方案。
  据介绍,法国馆将推出一系列以音乐为主的文化节目,内容丰富,形式多样。由法国馆形象大使阿兰•德龙专为上海世博会创作的音乐剧《温柔的法国》(Douce France)将在世博中心进行首演,音乐剧中有许多诸如《玫瑰人生》这样人们耳熟能详的名曲,参观者还可以欣赏到专为婚庆典礼创作的《最浪漫的婚礼》等与法国馆整体理念相和谐的音乐节目。
  France’s commissioner general of Expo 2010 José Freches yesterday handed the country’s Expo period activity plan to Hu Jinjun, deputy director general of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, at the bureau.
  France will stage a series of cultural programs dominated by music during the Expo period. French actor Alain Delon, also 2010 World Expo ambassador for France, has exclusively composed a musical "Douce France" for Expo 2010 and the musical will make its debut at the Expo Center.
  The musical features familiar tunes such as the "La Vie En Rose" and tunes fitting the theme of the France Pavilion and suitable for wedding ceremonies.
  Two floats, each carrying the pavilion’s mascot of a cat called Léon and the Michelin man, will tour the Expo site during the fair. Léon will also interact with visitors in the France Pavilion.
