
作者:tysd001 2015-05-08 16:45



  随着雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)崩溃一周年的日子临近,经济学家们纷纷列出了从中吸取的教训。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)经济学家贝尔纳(Richard Berner)就是其中的一位。
  With the one-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers approaching, economists are listing lessons learned. Among them is Richard Berner of Morgan Stanley.
  Here are his five lessons, drawn from a presentation at recent conference sponsored last month by the Central Bank of Argentina and elaborated on in a note to clients last week:
  1、强大与监管得力的金融体系应该是抵御金融冲击的第一道防线。我们越希望我们的经济以自由市场为导向,就越需要对金融机构和市场实施官方的监督和管理。这是因为真正的自由市场经济包含了很高的企业破产风险,相应的,向这些企业投资和放贷的金融机构和投资者也面临着高风险。此次危机的一个重要教训就是贷款商之间的竞争既培育了创新,但也带来了不稳定性。 ’A strong and well-regulated financial system should be the first line of defense against financial shocks …. [T]he more free-market oriented we want our economies to be, the more we need official supervision and oversight of our financial institutions and markets. That’s because truly free-market economies involve a high risk of business failure, and corresponding high risks to the financial institutions and investors that lend to and invest in those businesses. A key lesson from this crisis is that competition among lenders breeds innovation, but also instability.’
  2、积极和持续的政策反应是第二道防线。从日本“消失的十年”等过去的危机中,我们可以发现,持续的政策支持同样非常关键,这能够推动清理资产负债表,消除拖累经济增长的因素,还能阻止通货紧缩。对市场参与人士来说,获知政府政策扶持的持续时间很重要;他们希望央行官员作出明确表述,区分宽松政策结束(目前正在进行)以及刺激政策退出,或是紧缩政策开始(未来将发生的)。 ’Aggressive and persistent policy responses are the second line of defense … [F]rom past crises like Japan’s lost decade, we learned that the persistence of policy support is also critical to facilitate balance-sheet cleanup, offset the drag on the economy, and prevent deflation … For market participants, understanding just how persistent policy support will be is important; they want central bankers to make a clear distinction between the end of easing, which is now underway, and exit strategies or the beginning of tightening, which lie ahead.’
  3、宏观金融监管和资产价格都应当在货币政策中发挥更大的作用。各国普遍认同,系统性风险需要引起全球的关注。但这一问题如何具体限定以及如何实施,各国却基本没有达成共识。 ’Macroprudential supervision and asset prices should both play bigger roles in monetary policy …. There is broad agreement that a global focus on systemic risk is needed. There is less agreement on exactly how to define and implement it. ’
  4、灵活的汇率能增强货币政策应对危机的能力。 ’Flexible exchange rates enhance the ability of monetary policy to respond to shocks.’
  5、全球失衡会导致各国内部失衡扩大,从而加剧危机。衰退正促使美国和全球其他经济体和市场重新回到平衡。目前的问题是:对经济体和市场来说,这种重新平衡过程是否是温和以及可持续的,还是会带来破坏?我担心会出现后面一种情况,因为美国当前的政策是在扩大而不是缩小失衡问题,而其他国家的官员正在限制汇率的调节作用。 ’Global imbalances contributed to the crisis by allowing internal imbalances to grow. … [R]ecession is helping to rebalance the US and global economies and markets. The question now: Will this rebalancing process be benign and sustainable for economies and markets, or will it be disruptive? I worry about the latter because current US policies are expanding rather than reducing imbalances, and officials elsewhere are limiting exchange-rate adjustment.’
