
作者:tysd001 2015-04-28 16:56



  Remarks by State Councilor Dai Bingguo at the Third Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia
Istanbul, 8 June 2010

  Your Excellency President Abdullah Gul,
  Your Excellency President Nursultan Nazarbayev,
  Your Excellencies, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers,
  Dear Colleagues,Friends,
  作为中国国家主席******的特别代表,我很高兴来到美丽的伊斯坦布尔,出席亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议第三次峰会。我谨对土耳其继任亚信论坛 主席国表示热烈祝贺,对土方为峰会成功召开所做的精心准备和周到安排表示衷心感谢。我特别要转达******主席对与会各国领导人的亲切问候和美好祝愿。
  It is a great pleasure to join you at the Third Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in the beautiful city of Istanbul as the Special Representative of President Hu Jintao. Let me extend to Turkey warm congratulations on assuming the CICA chairmanship and sincere thanks for its careful preparations and thoughtful arrangements for the successful convocation of the Summit. I would like to especially convey, the cordial greetings and good wishes form President HU Jintao to all the leaders present here today.
  18年前,长达近半个世纪的冷战刚刚结束,纳扎尔巴耶夫总统就倡议建立亚信论坛,反映了亚洲各国人民渴望和平、维护安全、寻求合作的共同心 愿。
  Eighteen years ago, shortly after the nearly half-a–century long Cold War came to the end, President Nazarbayev proposed the idea of CICA in line with the common desire of people in Asia for peace, security and cooperation.
  18年来,伴随着亚洲地区发展进步的坚实脚步,亚信论坛在成员国共同努力下不断成长,为增进亚洲国家相互了解与信任,维护地区安全与稳定, 促进区域交流与合作提供了有益平台,发挥了独特作用。仅2006年第二次峰会以来,论坛框架内就举行能源、农业、警务、旅游等领域数十次高官会、专家会或 研讨会;执行或制订中的合作构想和行动计划有十余份,涉及禁毒、旅游、生态、人文、信息技术、中小企业发展、应对新威胁新挑战等领域;同中西亚经济合作组 织、欧亚经济共同体等签署了合作备忘录,迎来新成员国越南、伊拉克和新观察员孟加拉国的加入。亚信论坛不断发展壮大并日臻成熟,论坛的宗旨和原则得到亚洲 各国日益广泛的认同。
  Over the 18 years, along with the solid steps of regional development and progress in Asia, CICA, with its member states working hand in hand, has continued to grow and played a unique role as a useful platform for enhancing mutual understanding and confidence among Asian countries, safeguarding regional security and stability, and promoting regional exchanges and cooperation. Since the Second Summit in 2006, dozens of meetings of senior officials and experts as well as seminars have been held on energy, agriculture, police service and tourism under the framework of CICA. Over a dozen initiatives and action plans of cooperation are either implemented or in the making, covering such areas as drug control, tourism, ecology, cultural and people-to-people exchange, information technology, development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and meeting new threats and challenges. CICA has signed memoranda of cooperation with Economic Cooperation Organization, Eurasian Economic Community and other organizations, and admitted Vietnam and Iraq as new members and Bangladesh as a new observer. CICA is growing stronger and more mature. Its purposes and principles are widely recognized by Asian countries.
  作为亚信论坛创始成员国,中方为论坛取得的辉煌成就感到由衷高兴,对论坛发起者纳扎尔巴耶夫总统的政治智慧和远见卓识深表钦佩,对哈萨克斯 坦担任主席国期间所做的大量工作给予高度评价。土耳其是一个有着丰富文化和灿烂文明的国家,一个快速发展、在亚洲乃至世界上影响和作用不断上升的国家。中 方相信,今后一个时期,在居尔总统的亲自关心推动下,在土方同事的不懈努力下,亚信论坛将取得新的长足发展。
  As a founding member, China is truly delighted to see CICA making remarkable achievements. We deeply admire the political wisdom, far-sightedness and vision of President Nazarbayev, the founding father of CICA, and highly appreciate the tremendous work Kazakhstan has done during its CICA chairmanship. Turkey boasts a rich culture and brilliant civilization, and enjoys fast development and growing role and influence in Asia and beyond. China believes that in the months and years to come, with the personal commitment of President Gul and the relentless efforts of our Turkish colleagues, CICA will make new and big progress.
  Dear Colleagues, Friends,
  亚洲是我们共同生活的这个世界的重要组成部分。放眼全球,当今世界正处在与18年前不同的大发展、大调整、大变革中。世界仍然很不安宁,但 是和平与发展的力量从来没有象今天这样强大,多极化趋势从来没有象今天这样清晰,各国的命运从来没有象今天这样紧密相关,国际合作与国际关系民主化的呼声 从来没有象今天这样强劲。我们今天生活的这个世界是一个多元化、多样化和多极化趋势不断发展的世界,一个资源全球配置、资金商品与人员全球流动的世界,一 个政治、经济、文化、社会快速发展进步的世界。这个世界已不可能接受任何形式的霸权和单一价值体系,世界事务由一两个或几个国家决定的时代已经过去。
  Asia is an important part of our world that is undergoing major development, adjustment and transformation different from that of 18 years ago. The world today is still far form being tranquil. Yet the force of peace and development has never before been so powerful, the trend towards multi-polarity never so clear, destines of countries never so closely connected, the call for international cooperation and greater democracy in international relations never so strong. Where we live today is a world witnessing growing trends toward pluralism, diversity and multi-polarity, a world adapting to globalized allocation of resources and movement of capital, goods and people, and a world experiencing fast political, economic, cultural and social development and progress. Such a world can no longer tolerate hegemony of any forms or a single value system. The days are gone when one or two, or a handful of countries dominated world affairs.
  18年后的今天,我们这个曾经以璀璨文明推动了世界进步的亚洲,虽然也面临着多方面复杂的问题和挑战,但它以众多的人口、多样的文化、快速 的增长、区域的合作,成为全球最具发展活力和潜力的地区,为世界和平、发展、进步作出越来越大的贡献。作为亚洲人,我们有理由为此感到自豪。
  Eighteen years on, Asia that once contributed to world progress with its resplendent civilization, despite multiple complex problems and challenges, shows greater dynamism and potential than the rest of the world and is making increasingly significant contribution to world peace, development and progress with abundant human resources, diverse culture, fast growth and regional cooperation. As Asians, we have every reason to feel proud.
  展望未来,经济全球化、世界多极化、地区一体化将会更加深入发展,各国相互依存、利益交融、更加密不可分。人类遇到的共同性问题和全球性挑 战日益增多,国际体系变革和全球治理机制建设加速推进,国际竞争与国际合作将在更高层次和更广领域展开。世界“地球村”中的亚洲地区,既面临前所未有的发 展机遇,区域合作的各种选择;也面临不少热点问题和安全威胁,各国维护和平稳定、促进经济发展、提高民众福祉依然任重道远。
  Looking ahead, economic globalization, multi-polarity and regional integration will gain further momentum. Countries will be more interdependent and inseparable with their interests closely interwoven. There will be more and more common issues and global challenges. The transformation of the international system and institution-building for global governance are accelerating. International competition and cooperation will take place at higher levels and in broader areas. Asia, as part of the global village, faces unprecedented development opportunities and multiple options of regional cooperation. At the same time, it is also plagued by quite a number of hot-spot issues and security threats. Maintaining peace and stability, promoting economic development and improving people‘s will-being remain a long-standing and arduous task.
  充分利用亚信论坛等地区多边交流合作机制,是营造良好地区环境的重要途径,符合各国利益和共同需要。亚信论坛成员国应该着眼于后金融危机时 期,增进信任与协作,锲而不舍地追求以下目标:
  To create a good regional environment, it is important to make full use of CICA and other regional mechanisms of multilateral exchanges and cooperation. This serves the interests and meets the common needs of all countries. CICA members should focus on the post-financial-crisis era, increase trust and coordination and unswervingly pursue the following:
