
作者:tysd001 2015-04-24 16:25


  如果有公司要你免费工作半年,你接受这个工作么? IF a company asked you to work for half a year without pay, would you accept the job?
  No? Well, quite a few of your peers are saying, "Yes."
  According to a recent report by the Communist Youth League Beijing Committee and the Beijing Youth Stress Management Service Center, almost one out of five responding college graduates said they would accept zero-salary jobs for up to six months.
  Yao Lanjie, a college graduate who majored in psychology at a key university in Hubei, told interviewers from the recruitment website 333job.com that she would be fine if she wasn't paid during her first three months on the job.
  Graduates like Yao hope to show their employers that they are eager learners, and that they value the job more than the salary. But can taking a "zero-salary" job really give job-seekers an edge in the fiercely competitive job market? The answer from HR experts is: No.
  “坦白讲,如果求职者在面试过程中要求低薪,我会怀疑他/她的工作能力,”纳杰人才网的营销总监,姚岚洁的面试官之一陈耀(音译)说。 “我担心的是,应聘者的能力是不是很低,所以找工作时才降低工资要求。”
  "To be honest, I will doubt a job seeker's ability if he or she requires a very small salary during the job interview," said Chen Yao, marketing director at 333job.com and one of Yao's interviewers. "Is the job seeker so incapable that he or she has to lower the salary requirement to find a job? This is my worry."
  Chen said Yao actually didn't need to sacrifice her salary in order to get a job. Chen was quite impressed by both her clear career planning and her excellent internship performance with the company. So he decided to take Yao in and pay her a probationary salary, even though she didn't ask for anything.
  Do some research
  前程无忧招聘网首席职场专家冯利娟也同意陈耀的观点。她建议大学毕业生们不要说 “我不介意工资的多少,只看重是否能在公司中学到东西”等诸如此类的话。
  Feng Lijuan, chief HR expert at 51job.com, agreed with Chen. She advised college graduates not to say things like, "I don't mind whether the salary is big or small; I just care whether I can learn things in the company."
  "The companies employ you because you meet their needs and you can make contributions - not because they can help you improve yourself," said Feng.
