
作者:tysd001 2015-04-14 14:51


  Amateur photographer Tony O'Rahilly took the snap while photographing a blaze which destroyed Wem Town Hall in Shropshire on November 19, 1995. After developing his film, Mr O'Rahilly claimed he had captured an image of a young girl wearing old fashioned clothes standing amid the flames staring into the camera lens.
  业余摄影师Tony O'Rahilly1995年拍摄被大火烧毁的韦姆镇市镇厅时,一不留神拍到了一个幽灵般白衣女子的身影,他声称自己拍到了女鬼。
  Mr O'Rahilly, who died in 2005, always denied doctoring the photograph - nicknamed the 'Wem Ghost' - and the image made headlines around the world.
  But eagle-eyed Brian Lear, 77, has finally put an end to the mystery after he noticed a striking similarity between the spooky shot and a girl in a postcard which appeared in his local paper.
  然而,77岁明察秋毫的Brian Lear老人指出,这张照片是伪造的。他说,照片上的女孩和当地发行过的一张明信片上的女孩一模一样。
  The postcard, printed in the Shropshire Star's Pictures from the Past section, shows a street view of Wem in 1922.A young girl standing in a shop doorway on the left handside of the picture bares an uncanny resemblance to the Wem Ghost.
  Mr Lear, a retired engineer and taxi driver, from Shrewsbury, Shropshire, said: ''It is interesting to compare the two pictures.
  "Her dress and headgear appear to be identical."
  The 'Wem Ghost' led to a plague being placed on the newly built town hall and Wem was briefly renamed 'Ghost Town' attracting hundreds of tourists every year.
