
作者: 2014-01-13 16:35

翻译培训 英语的定语和汉语不同,汉语的定语一般在前面,但是英语的定语除了是单词和较短的片语外,一般都在后面......



  1、 独立成句
  (1)This has been a major engine of economic growth comparable to the earlier experiences in South East Asian neighboring countries.这大大带动了经济增长,类似于东南亚各国早期的发展历程。
  (2)Our foreign secretary on one occasion spelt out our objectives in terms of three quite simple principles which I think are still true.我们的外务大臣有一次清楚地讲述了我们的目标,它包括三项简单的原则,我想现在还适用。
  (3)I believe that the history of economic development since the War demonstrates that those political systems which provide maximum freedom for the private sector and which have encouraged, rather than restricted, trade and development have done best.我相信,战后经济发展史表明,政治体制只要最大限度地给予私有部门自由,只要鼓励,而非限制贸易与投资,便是最为成功的。

  (4)We should look for policies which help and do not harm our neighbors.我们应当寻求各种政策,使之帮助而非损害我们的邻国。
  (5)Unlike other economies, we do not have the luxury of opening an exchange which will grow and change as the economy grows.不象其它经济体,我们不可能开办一个证交所,使之随着经济的发展而发展变化。
  (6)It is true that liberalization of foreign exchange controls is required, but promotion of the entry of foreign capital which matches national policies is also required.不错,放松外汇管制是必要的,但促进外资流入,使之配合国家政策,也是必要的。

  (7)As in the past, so also in the future, Pakistan will extend its whole-hearted co-operation to all other states in common efforts aimed realizing the ideals that inspired the establishment of UN. 如同过去一样,在未来,巴基斯坦将与其它国家全心合作,共同努力,实现这种理想,这种激励联合国成立的理想。
  (8)The sanctions regime which the Security Council Imposed on Iraq actually has no parallel in the history of the United Nations.这一制裁体制,联合国对伊拉克的制裁体制,在联合国的历史上是前所未有的。

  (9)As a matter of fact, the Security Council Committee established by resolution 661(1990) to oversee the strict implementation of the sanctions regime has not to date reported any violations of the sanctions.事实上,安理会委员会,即依照661(1990)号决议成立,用以监督严格实施制裁体制的委员会,迄今为止还没有报道过违反制裁的情况。
  (10)A fifth weakness related to the conditions under which foreign financial institutions operate in the Peoples Republic of China. 第五个弱点是外国金融机构在中国运作的条件。
  (11)The way in which this crisis will be resolved will therefore definitely affect the nature and future of international economic and political relations.如何解决这次危机将毫无疑问地影响到国际政治经济关系的性质和未来。

  (12)At the conclusion of the Paris Summit last week,a momentous declaration marked the end of the cold war,an era in contemporary history characterized mainly by ideological and military confrontation between the two competing blocks.巴黎首脑会议上周结束时产生了一份重大宣言,它标志着冷战的结束。当代历史上的这一时代曾充满了意识形态和军事对抗,它发生在两个竞争的集团之间。
  (13) Assistance is also needed for the million and half refugees in Pakistan who are still unable to return to their homeland,pending the creation of conducive economic and political conditions. 还需要提供援助,帮助一百五十万阿富汗难民。他们被困在巴基斯坦,不能返回自己的家园,因为那里还缺乏有利的政治经济条件。(另请注意本句照顾到语序根据意思作的添加)

  (14) The sixth weakness that I like to highlight relates to the lack of a well developed regulatory and supervisory framework for banks and non-bank institutions.我想指出的第六个弱点是缺乏发育完善的监管机制,来监督与管理银行和非银行金融机构。
  (15) Work on the development of a common code and operating procedure for all personnel servicing under the UN flag should be brought to an early conclusion.制定一套行为准则和行动程序,以指导所有联合国人员,这一工作应当早日结束。(另请注意将work留待稍后译出;flag的形象丢失)
  (16)It is not being reported in the press, but many Iraqi and foreign ships sailing to and from Iraqi and Kuwaiti ports are being stopped and searched on the high seas or at nearby ports in order to ascertain that no violations of the sanctions are taking place.报纸上没有报道,但有很多伊拉克和外国船只──它们来往于伊拉克和科威特港口──受到了拦截和搜查,以确保没有违反制裁的情况发生。

  (17) But while the opportunities for cooperation have never been greater, the challenges to the international community posed by regional conflicts, humanitarian crisis and unresolved transnational problems have also never been greater.虽然合作的机会从来没有这么大,但国际社会面临的挑战,比如说地区冲突、人道主义危机和悬而未决的跨国问题,也从来没有这么大过。

