
作者:秩名 2014-08-04 14:22


  Passage 81
  作为一个发展中国家,中国面临着发展经济与环境保护的双重任务。// 自改革开放以来的18年中,环境恶化的状况基上得到了控制。// 实践证明,我们协调经济发民与环境保护两者之间关系的做法是行之有效的。// 除此之外,中国还积极参与国际环保事务,促进国际环保合作,并认真履行了所承担的各种国际义务。//
  Passage 82
  中国在全面推进现代化建设的同时将环境保护视为一项基本国策。// 通过在人民中宣传环保知识,提高了人们对环保道德与行为准则的认识。// 但要彻底解决环境与发展问题我们仍面临大量难题,任重而道远。// 我们将一如既往,为保护我们的生态环境,为造福下一代而奋斗。//
  Passage 83
  中国正处在一个从工业化社会向服务和信息社会的转轨过程中。// 中国社会在改革中变化,在变化中进行改革。// 不断变化着的社会给我们带来了问题,也带来了机会。// 在世界经济日趋一体化的今天,我们应勇敢地迎接挑战、拥抱机遇、承担责任。//
  Passage 84
  中国正处在一个摆脱僵硬的计划经济体制、建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制的改革进程中。// 社会的变化使许多问题得到解决,同时也产生了一些新的问题。// 人口老龄化正在影响着我们的经济发展,威胁着我国的保健制度。// 拜金主义、对自我的日益关注以及对公益事业的淡漠使中国许多传统美德受到冲击。//
  Passage 85
  Among other things, language is a system that relates sound with meaning, a relation which is determined in a rather arbitrary manner. // Human languages are so different as to be mutually unintelligible.// Yet these difference, great as they are, are differences of detail.// They have a great deal in common in their basic principles, and in the way they approach certain specific problems of communication.//
  Passage 86
  We are all intimately familiar with at least on language, yet few of us ever stop to consider what we know about it. // One of the wonders about language and language use is that with a finite set of rules, speakers can produce and understand an infinite set of sentences.// If language is defined merely as a system of communication, then language is not unique to humans.// a basic property of human language is its creative aspect and this well explains why young kids learning to talk often produce some sentences that greatly surprise the adults around.//
  Passage 87
  The difference between a human brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word; complexity.// Inside the human brain, many billions of neurons and cells are interconnected in a vastly complicated network that we can’t begin to interpret as yet.// Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can’t compare in intricacy with the brain.// The brain cell is possessed of (拥有) a tremendously complex inner structure while the computer switch is just an on-off device.//
  Passage 88
  It is frequently said that computers solve problems only because they are “programmed” to do so.// One must remember that human beings also can only do what they are “programmed” to do // Our genes “program” us and our potentialities are limited by that program.// Sure enough, our “program” is much more complex than computer program.//
  Passage 89
  What I want to focus on is the principles that underlie to relationship between New Zealand and the P.R.C. // Politically, China is becoming increasingly interested in playing an active role in international affairs.// China has joined many regional and international bodies and is becoming an influential global power.// It has become obvious that there is a good basis for mutual understanding, since we shared common views on many international issues.//
  Passage 90
  Mr. President, may I thank you for the privilege of speaking here.// I should also thank you for ensuring me such an attentive audience.// May I wish you and your faculty colleagues every success in your future work..// And to the students, I should like to wish you good fortune with your studies and a satisfying and successful career ahead.//
