
作者:秩名 2014-08-04 14:33


  Passage 101
  旅游区的古代书法遗迹皆以碑林和石刻为主。// 中国历史上文人墨客在浪迹名山时皆墨撒悬崖峭壁,以此抒发感情。// 所幸的是他们的许多作品均被完好的保存了下来,成为重要的旅游资源。// 除了石碑岩崖作品外,在丝绸缎纸张上行文留字则是更常见的书法形式。//
  Passage 102
  我很高兴能够参加本届社区服务国际学术研讨会并作发言。// 社区服务是当今各国普遍关注的一个问题,各国政府都把搞好社区服务工作摆到了议事日程上。// 社区服务工作的重要性不言而喻;它不仅是社会稳定的措施之一,而且是社会进步与发展的需要。// 社区服务对于解决某些社会问题,改善人民生活,促进精神文明建设都有着重要的作用。//
  Passage 103
  我国社区服务起步较晚,发展还不平衡,还有计多不足之处和薄弱环节需要克服。// 过去,我们虽然没有使用“社区服务”这个名词,但是在实践中却早已做了许多方面的工作。// 随着我国国民经济的发展,可以预期,社区服务将引起全社会的普遍关注,并将有一个新的发展。// 我相信,各位专家学者所作的学术报告对促进和改善我们的工作必将产生积极的影响。//
  Passage 104
  The purpose of my presentation is to share with you my thoughts on various risk issues that face investors in the context of China’s stock market .// First, I will examine some of the institutional aspects that characterize China’s exchange system today.// Then I will talk about some of the major issues that the current system poses.// These issues will inevitably arise when the Chinese exchange market develops further in the direction of meeting international standards.//
  Passage 105
  Allow me first of all to presents a summary of some of the characteristics that separate the practice of the Chinese exchange market from the international practice.// The Chinese exchange market is dominated by one band, which could create distortions in the exchange market and exchange rates.// Chinese bands continue to conduct foreign exchange operations under legal provisions that makes it difficult to integrate foreign exchange operations into the overall risk management of a bank.// Branches of Chinese banks have at time appeared to behave more like subsidiaries than branches, as if they had their own capital and balance sheet.//
  Passage 106
  Now I’d like to mention three major tasks facing Chinese banks and the authorities.// First, parallel procedures must be established to monitor and measure true currency risks.// Second, all market participants must be subject to the same regulations or constraints, including both domestic and foreign banks.// Direct dealing between banks requires a code of conduct, which promotes healthy competition.//
  Passage 107
  As China’s automobile market matures, prominent figures of the world’s leading automobile manufactures have come to China on investigation tours in recent years.// Auto industry’s most fierce competition has been staged in China, the biggest virgin auto market in the world.// One auto exhibition after another has been sponsored in China’s big cities.// Almost all the world’s leading auto manufactures are aware of China’s potential auto market and have started to produce new models specially designed for the Chinese market.//
  Passage 108
  In the early 1980s, Volkswagen took a courageous step and co-invested with Shanghai to set up a join venture.// Mercedes has also cooperated in form of technology transfer and joint investment with Chinese companies.// In 1994, the Chinese government staged a new policy on auto industry, encouraging foreign investment in vehicle spare parts.// Earlier China had implemented a license system and high-tariff policies on motor vehicle import in order to support its domestic auto industry.//
  Passage 109
  In 1994, China adopted a new policy concerning foreign investment in China’s auto industry.// According to this policy, new projects would be ratified only on the condition that more than 60% of the spare parts be manufactured in China.// It implies that China may lift the curb on foreign sole investment in China’s auto industry.// But at the same time, it indicates that one who doesn’t sow won’t have a chance to reap.//
  Passage 110
  At the moment there is much debate about European Monetary Union and the single European currency.// Some Practitioners Predict that the foreign exchange market will consist of fewer and fewer currencies.// It appears that a single European currency will be a reality around the turn of the century.// But the Asian currencies that are freely convertible will continue to mature.//
