党的群众路线教育实践活动工作会议6月18日在北京召开,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席会议并发表重要讲话,对全党开展教育实践活动进行部署。 《中国日报》的报道: Xi, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, urged its me...
Itrsquo;s not enough to secure Chinarsquo;s food supply─you have to tell people about. 在中国,光保障食品供应的安全是不够的,还要广而告之。 Such was the message from the Fifth China Food Safety Forum this week in Beijing. A lineup that in...
China-U.S. Agreement on Phase Down of Potent Greenhouse Gases THE WHITE HOUSE白宫 Office of the Press Secretary 新闻秘书办公室June 8,2013 2013年6月8日 United States and China Agree to Work Together on Phase Down of HFCs 美国和中国同意共同...
As Chinarsquo;s credit crunch takes a turn for the worse, the question of why the central bank has permitted market conditions to deteriorate so suddenly and so sharply looms ever larger. 随着中国信贷紧缩不断加剧,围绕中国央行为何听任市况...
正在柬埔寨首都金边举行的第37届世界遗产大会21日陆续选出多个本届会议入选世界遗产名录的项目,申请自然遗产的中国新疆天山成功入选,成为中国第44处世界遗产。 相关报道:Photo taken on April 29, 2013 shows the Tianshan Mountian Range in northwest...
People have traditionally made things─from doorknobs to scalpels to engine cylinders─in one of two ways. They start with a solid block or sheet of metal, wood or other material and cut, stamp, drill or shave it to create a desired sha...
从7月10日开始到8月31日的京广高铁、广深港高铁部分车票打折,是这两条线路开通以来第一次打折优惠。相关报道:China#39;s high-speed rail will start a summer discount for business cabins, state cabins and first-class seats on certain railway lines...
It had the flavour of panic: Chinese financial institutions scrambled for short-term interbank loans last week before the Peoplersquo;s Bank of China released liquidity into the market. The episode highlights Chinarsquo;s conundrum in man...
6月以来,中国的金融机构闹起了钱荒,各家银行纷纷推出高收益率的短期理财产品抢钱。受钱荒影响,中国股市24日大幅下挫,银行、地产为主的近两百只个股跌停。 请看相关报道: China shares extended losses on Tuesday, sinking to their lowest levels sinc...