李煜·《浪淘沙· 帘外雨潺潺》英译

作者:admin 2016-07-11 12:40

帘外雨潺潺, 春意阑珊。 罗衾不耐五更寒。 梦里不知身是客, 一晌贪欢。 独自莫凭阑, 无限江山。 别时容易见时难......


A Change World
(To the Tune of Langtaosha)

Beyond the curtain, the rain keeps pattering,
the spring on the decline.
The satin quilt is not enough 
to resist the dawn chill.
Forgetting I'm far, far away from home,
in the dream, I was carried away
with a short spell of pleasure.

Don't lean on the railing, alone—
the boundless view of rivers and mountains.
It's easy to leave, but hard to see again.
The water flows, flowers fall, and the spring fades.
It's a changed world.
(裘小龙 译)
To the Tune of Lang Tao Sha
Li Yu

Without the blind the rain is pattering,
Last intimation of the spring.
These gauzy coverlets too little warmth at midnight bring
To one who in his dreams fancied he was his own once more,
Once fed and avid for the thing.

I'd lean upon the rail, but what's the worth?
Of hills to cross there is not dearth.
Visions of what I left so lightly bring me no more mirth
That fallen flowers faring home upon a running stream.
Heaven is high, and man is on earth.
(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)
Li Yu
Outside the window, rain seems to moan and sing.
This year, slow and weak is the return of spring.
I feel badly chilled in the small hours of morn.
Silk bed-clothes prove useless against a cold dawn.
In my dreams, I forgot my status as “guest”
Of relief for a moment, I was in quest.
Alone, I wouldn’t rest, on a rail, my hand,
To scan what was one my limitless land.
Easy to leave one’s hearth and come to this nook.
Hard to get back to one’s home to have a look.
Flowing water never returns to its source,
My country’s and mine is a hopeless, lost cause.
Fallen flowers cannot go back to their stock;
Chips off the mass revert not to the block.
One’s spring and youth has passed never to return.
One’s destiny is not of Heaven’s concern.
(徐忠杰 译)
