
作者:秩名 2014-12-16 16:19


  请来两杯咖啡。Two coffees, please.
  请进来。Please come in.或Come in, please.
  请把铅笔递给我好吗?Will you please pass me the pencil?
  赞成这个建议的人请签名。Those in favor of the suggestion please sign your names.
  2) 当“请”字含有“请求/恳求某人做某事”的意义时,常译作ask或request。前者为通用词,多用在一般场合;后者为书面语,多用在较为正式的场合并表示有礼貌的请求。当表示“强烈的恳求”时,又译作beg。如:
  能不能请你帮我一个忙?May I ask a favor of you?
  观众请勿抚摸展品。Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.
  孩子们恳求要与我们同来。The children begged to come with us.
  3) 当“请”字与“允许”连用时,作为较正式场合使用的客套话,用于征求对方同意,常译作allow,有时也译作please allow。如:
  请允许我介绍一下张教授. Allow me to introduce Professor Zhang.
  请让我帮你拿你的提包。Please allow me to carry your bag.
  4)当“请”字表示“正式的请求”时,在书面语体中,译为pray,相当于I pray you或please,常置于谓语动词之前或问句之后。如:
  请不要如此大声说话。Pray don’t speak so loud.
  请问那有什么用处呢?What is the use of that, pray?
  咱们去请他们过来喝一杯。Let's invite them over for a drink.
  王先生在门口,我可以请他进来吗?Mr. Wang is at the door, shall I ask him in?
  我们想请一位保姆。We'd like to engage a nurse.
  7) “请”字用于招待客人自用食物或其它东西时,可译为help yourself/yourselves, please yourself/yourselves, do as you wish.如:
  请抽烟!Help yourself to the cigarettes.
  如果你感到不舒服,就请自便吧。If you feel out of sorts, you may please yourself.
  甲:我可以抽烟吗? 乙:请自便。
  A: May I smoke? B: Just as you wish.
  8)“请”字有“请客”、“做东”的意思时,可译作动词短语;stand treat或stand one’s hand, stand somebody a dinner/a drink, etc;也可译作动词treat, entertain, regale。其中treat指一般请客吃饭、看戏、看电影和球赛等;entertain用于在自己家中宴请客人;regale着重强调盛情款待。如:
  咱们去看戏吧,我请客。We’ll go to the theatre, and I’ll stand treat.
  我请你吃饭。Let me stand you a dinner.
  她经常请客。She entertains a great deal.
  主人宴请宾客。The host regaled the honored guests with a feast.
  9)“请”字在“请假”、“请求”、“申请”等词中表示“请准或希望得到”的含义,译为ask for(用于一般场合)或apply for(用于正式场合)。如:
  她请了两天病假。She asked for two day’s sick leave.
  他申请了出(入)境签证。He applied for an exit/entry visa.
  10)“请”字表示“叫、唤”的意思时,可译为动词短语;send for, call in, go for。如:
  他请了一位调停人来调解这次争执。He called in a mediator to settle the dispute.
  要我去请医生吗?Shall I go for a doctor?
  他们立刻派人去请了医生,但医生还没有到。They sent for a doctor at once, but he hasn't arrived yet.
