Ever since the dawn of civilization, Society has been confronted with this problem.电脑的速度和贮存量与日俱增。
The speed and storage capacity of a computer is increasing every day.传播电视信号的微波总是以直线的方式行进。
Microwaves that transmit television signals always travel in a straight line.一个全方位,多层次的国际科技合作格局已基本成形。
A pattern of all-around and multi-level international ST cooperation has basically taken shape.如果我们不对这个问题进行透彻的研究并想出一个对策,那么国家的经济发展和社会稳定将受到影响。
If we do not study the problem comprehensively and come up with a counter-measure, the development of national economy and the stability of society will be affected.