《元日祝福》 New Blessings 新的年岁带给我们新的希望。 New year brings new hope. 祝福我们的土地, So blessed be our land, 血染的土地,焦裂的土地, The blood-stained, the scorched-up land, 更坚强的生命将从而滋长。 Out of which new life will...
《你在雨中等待着我》 You Wait for Me in the Rain 你在雨中等待着我 you wait for me in the rain 路通向窗户深处 the road leads into the windows depths 月亮的背面一定很冷 the other side of the moon must be very cold 那年夏夜,白马 that summer...
《虎爪》 Tiger Paw Nail 今年是虎年,我陡然想起了我的虎爪。 As this year is the year of the tiger, I suddenly remembered my tiger paw nail. 那是整整六十年前,我九岁的时候,母亲吧它用红棉绳拴了,挂在我的脖子上,我嫌它难看,又有点害怕。就把它...
《怀人》 Thinking of You 为你贮一海的 For you Ive stored an ocean 思,悄静而透亮 of longing, silent and transparent 你的臂弯围一座睡城 your arms go around a city of sleep 我的梦美丽而悠长 my dream lasts forever and is lovely 最微的灯,一扇...
《妈妈》 Mama 当我认识你,我十岁 When I knew you I was ten 你三十五,你是团团脸的妈妈 and you were thirty-five, my round-faced mama 你的爱是满满的一盆洗澡水 your love was like a tub of warm water 暖暖的,几乎把我浮起来 so warm it almost ma...