《流产》 Abortion 天光晃着晃着 The light of day is shimmering, shimmering 你在那边美丽地形成 And there you are, perfectly formed 唯唯诺诺像一只小鸡 As meek and docile as a baby bird 我的小鸡 My little bird 你幸免灭顶之灾 You narrowly escap...
《访问阿尔及利亚》 Visiting Algeria 阿尔及尔英雄城, Algiers is a city of heroes, 城市游击著令闻。 Its renowned for urban guerrilla wars. 森林中有大城市, A city nestled in forests, 大城市中有森林。 Forests found in the city. 负山面海阿京...
《割麦人》 The Wheat Reaper 割麦人他的镰刀磨得飞快 The wheat reaper has ground his sickle sharp. 他的酒也像镰刀 His wine is ripe too, ready as the sickle. 那些麦子等着倒下 The wheat is waiting to fall 像一些遥远的朋友 like friends from far...
《石壁》 Precipices 两块高大的石壁, Two huge stone escarpments are closing tightly 在倾斜中步步进逼。 Leaning toward each other bit by bit. 是多么灼热的仇恨, What searing animosity it must be 烧弯了铁黑的躯体。 That scorches and bends th...
《生命》 Life 莫非你冷, Arent you feeling cold? 你怎秋叶似的颤抖; Why are you shivering like autumn leaves? 这里风凉, Here it is windy and cold; 待我慢慢拉着你走。 Let me take you by the hand and leave. 你看天空多么清灵, Look, the sky...