为大家总结了 英语翻译的技巧和方法 之词类转译法,希望可以帮助到广大译员。 一、 转译成动词 (一) 名词转译动词 (Convert nouns into verbs) My admiration for him grew more. He said he did not know whether Tom was ready for a showdown. To some...
英语四级翻译 翻译的常胜法宝就是多练习,找出其中的技巧,掌握如何去表达。下面列举了30个常用的句型,路过的童鞋们快来看看是否已经掌握了呢? 1)It is+形容词+that It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 可想而知,...
1. She fully enjoyed cakes and ale. 误译:她充分地享用了蛋糕和啤酒。 原意:她尽享了人生乐趣。 这里 cakes and ale 意为人生乐事,出自莎士比亚著作《第十二夜》。 2. My dad told me not to call him names. 误译:我爸爸让我不要叫他名字。 原意:我...
一、被动句 民航英语中很大一部分为国际民航组织的通用规定、民航法规或者现行标准,因而被动句的使用较为广泛,而很多情况下被动句并不符合汉语表达的规范,翻译时应译作主动形式。如: A non-aeronautical ground light near an aerodrome which might enda...
01 爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 02 百闻不如一见 One look is worth a thousand words. Seeing is believing. 03 比上不足,比下有余 to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst 04 笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start....